Projetos em Design Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social
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Cloth hug that invite to affection and trust


Camilla Silva Pires -

Tiago Martins -

Social Group :

Professora Antônia Andrade

Instituto Silvia Cerqueira de Paula

Rua Cornélio de Barros, 8 Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro


            The project was realized at Instituto Silvia Cerqueira de Paula, which is associated with Creche Lua Solidaria, a day-nursery. The mediator, the one who helped us with the Project, was Antonia Andrade, whose function is organizing the place and taking care of the children, having daily contact with them. At the day-nursery, contact with the kids was the most important. The volunteers are always near, helping them the much they can. Volunteers and kids receive psychological attendance.

            Antonia always played with the children, never leaving them alone. During the fun it was necessary keeping contact with them. Trusting each other was only one of the key points.

            Since the word set that composed Antonia's vocabular universe, we had known the project's theme: "Affection is an invitation to the reliance".

            The activities realized by the mediator always had a link with the subject, since she worked the contact amongst the children with affection and care. Antonia had to keep an eye over the kids during all the time and they always asked for a hug or just for holding her hand.

            Watching those facts, two ideas emerged: the first one was creating a heart that could hug all the children, with different types and sizes, and the second one was making two puppets that, when hugging someone, could hold on by hands. All these thoughts were created and tested having in mind the affection and trust that moved the day-nursery; we have never had in our minds something didactic. Amongst the tested ideas, the attention was shared between the heart and the puppets, and then we joined both.

            The final project was a heart with big arms, where it could be possible putting the puppets. In the heart's body is localized a pocket used for placing the puppets' clothes, that kids could customize.

            The project was made entirely of cotton-based material, to avoid problems with allergy and without little pieces, for kids not swallowing them. Puppets' faces were made with color glue, for the pieces never loosing and letting out. The project has been used during the children's recreation time, where they could dress the cloth and are the color that they wish, because they always will be inside the heart. It has been used to represent a big hug that gives shelter to everyone, without exclusion.

            This experience purposed to learn that all are around trust and affection among people.

            I'm thankful to Tiago, because of his patience with me during the project, going round on me will for continuing. I'm thankful to Tiago, for leaving from so far for making the project, going round on me a spirit of persistence.

            I'm thankful to Camilla, because of her acceptance of some retards, and always demanding me for arriving on schedule, going round on me more trust with her and more responsibility.

            Me, Tiago, I learnt that there's a whole process before any project or work. Experimenting is necessary and making some attempt to obtain a real idea.

            Me, Camilla, I learnt how is necessary to trust the other ones, since it was one of the most important lessons of this activity.


Subject: ART 1031

Class: 1AA e 1AE

Professor: Ana Branco e Carlos André Côrtes





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