Projetos em Design Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social
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"Aprenda com cuidado, mas não sozinho."


Clara de O. Veiga -

Conrado Mey Carmo Pinto de Oliveira -

Social Group :

Professora Lilian

Andrews Baby

Av. Jardim Botanico, 4270


            The Project was created with Lílian, ,the teacher who is responsible for Andrews Baby nursery school. The school is located in jardim Botanico, Rio de Janeiro. Lilian works with 4 to 7 years- old kid. Most of the kids spend more than 8 hours at the school where they take pant in various activities throught out the day. Music is a good way to make they stay enjoy as she ronducts the kids to real learning. Painiting and drawing are important activities because they envolve creative and imagination, said Lilian.

            On our visits we could see that learning takes places in a pleasant atmosphere. Lilian uses a group to real larning. The project has been called " Aprenda com cuidado, mas nao sozinho".

            On our visits we could see the kids working in two different groups. They were asked to create shape and describe to the other group what was created. Lilian pointed out that she chosen the theme because she likes the idea of having students helping one another to learn. Therefore we decided to work with words and pictures so that the kids could learn by association in a meaning way but also having fun.

            We have realized that the vouwel sound have important roles in the learning process this our aim would be to use word beginning with a vowel sound. We have been using a board on wich have pinned up key words and the pictures to highlight the inicial vowel sounds. The board is orange. It has 5 yellow "pockets" presenting the five vowel sounds each. On the top of each pocket there is a red vowel . The picture are used to decorated the board. It has been used as a game learning. The kids are asked to keep the pictures in the right pocket according to the inicial vowel in each word.


Subject: ART 1031

Class: 1AA e 1AE

Professor: Ana Branco e Carlos André Côrtes





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