Projetos em Design Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social
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Playing of Catch


Rodrigo Nunes de Souza Trindade-


Social Group :

Eunice Santos

Creche Jabuti

Rua Pedro Guedes 80/84


                This Project was developed in the Jabuti day-care center next to teacher Eunice. 

                 Eunice is responsible for considering activities, inside and outside of room, for the children in the day-care center. In general, activities in group aiming at the integration of the children.            During the Period that I folloied its lessons, I witnessed activities different such as: painting lessons, recreation in the patio and tricks with the box of Toys.      

                From the set of words that composes the universe of words of Eunice I recognized as subject for the project: “To play Together To catch in the Patio”

               The one of the activities of related Eunice chosen phrase is the tricks for it led in the patio, together the children.

               Through experimentation I obtained to understand the idea that the intercessora searched, to combine something that if could and it could not see, that it had a wire tram and that it could function as receiving.

               The constructed final object was the junction of a Coarse linen cloth bag with a Bambolę and a tram of rubber bands in its mouth.  For this, I needed to place grommets in the Coarse linen cloth bag and to diminish bambolę so that the mouth of the bag was adaptasse. The used materials had been the Grommets, a Coarse linen cloth bag, a Bambolę, and six meters of rubber band colored in the Pink and Blue colors.

              Eunice started to use the object of different forms, hour pulling children who were inside of it, hour placing things in its interior and leaving that they explored the tram of rubber band in search of what had in the interior of the bag who could be known or not.

Subject: ART 1031

Class: 1AE

Professor: Ana Branco





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