Projetos em Design Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social
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Playing with imagination


Margaret Lutz -


Social Group :

Gláucia Silvo de Olivera

Creche Patronato Operário da Gávea

Rua Lineu de Paula Machado, 795 Jardim Botanico


          The Project was developed at the ´Patronato do Jardim Botânico´ kindergarten school, together with the teacher, Gláucia Silvo, and her pupils.  Gláucia helps take care of and educate the children, who are between 3 and 4 years old.  She is responsible for performing educational activities to develop aspects such as concentration, coordination,  vocabulary, general knowledge, understanding and obedience in the children. 

          From a group  of words that make up Glaucia´s vocabulary, we recognized as our theme for the Project:   “to do imagination, mixing paper, circle, empty and full”.  Based on experiments performed, we identified Glaucia´s intentions of working with the children using the imagination and creativity and at the same time teaching them to use colors and shapes.

          During the project, different experimentations were performed with variations of objects that were created with the purpose of helping to inpire Glaucia inside this theme.   After observing how she reacted to these experiments, it was decided to develop a board with which she could incentivate the involcement, creativity and independance of each student.  Having detected this necessity, we developed a ´multi-use board´ in wich the teacher and students could use to  show, draw or interact with.   For our final project, we created a board made with colored transparencies covering sheets of thick rubber which opened up to form a board.  The transparencies were attached to the rubber using flat elastic bands which were ´sewn´ together.  Our project is now being used by Glaucia to incentivate the students to work together, as they have fun while learning the different colors and shapes. 

          This experience showed us, through practice, a little more of what is design and how it Works.  We learnt, from the basics of where to find raw material for the production, to how to interact with the people we are working with in order to obtain the most of the information they have to offer.  We also leart that design is not solely based on aesthetics, but it is mainly a social issue, where you have to learn to work with the people and not for them.   I thank Gláucia for her interest and dedication, and for having shown us her work and everything it involvs.  This made it a pleasure to work with her, and made me admire her and her work.  


Discipline:  ART 1031 – Projeto Básico I - Estágio

Division:  1AA

Instructors: Professores: Ana Maria Branco N. da Silva



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