Projetos em Design Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social
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Now everything can play walking


Bianca Santiago-


 Social Group :

 Lurdes Aparecida de Araújo

Projeto Igualdade á Vida

Rua Monsenhor Magaldi, 117/ casa 101, Ilha do governador Jardim Guanabara.


I made my basic project in the Project Equality á Life, in the Island of the Governor. They work with deficient children, exist all the types of “illnesses”, of most common tie rarest. I observed I work of the Lurdes a teacher of physical education. The work of it consists of helping the children to improve its physical conditioning, its position and some muscular problem caused by its illness. This made treatment and through tricks, games as to walk of bicycle, to make right a target, to jump in a foot alone and to walk in the line. From the set of words that composes the universe to vocabular of the Lurdes we recognize as subject for our project: “Now everything can play walking”. The activities that exemplificam these subjects are: bowling, ball to the target, race, amarelinha, soccer, hatching and “maratona” hen. After the experimentation of the first ideas we define the concept of the project as something that would have to be soft, coloring, with racket and of diverse colors and sizes. You finish making small balls that mark the idea of walking well and playing. They had been made of mesh with foam flakes. They are being used of two different forms, one that is to teach to color and size for the children and to another one as a toy, that being soft and light does not hurt the children.


Subject: ART 1031

Class: 1AE

Professor: Ana Branco





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