Projetos em Design Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social
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Nosy Child Discovers the World


Bianca Zaltman Sadcovitz-


 Social Group :

Solange Moura

Creche Escola Sarah Dawsey

Rua Barão da Torre, 107 Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro.

Tel.: (21) 2522 -3069


The project was developed at Creche-Escola Sarah Dawsey, a Day-care center in Ipanema. The teacher I worked with was Solange Moura in jardim II (child aged 3 to 4 years). During the process I followed some of her classes and routine. From the set of words that compose the vocabulary universe of Solange we recognized as subject for the project:  

“Nosy Child discovers the world”. In order to teach her students she develops a whole series of activities and interactive games that stimulates child’s curiosity along with regular day to day activities as painting, watching videos and playing in the patio.

Project’s concept was defined as a surprise bag filled with games related with the teaching annual program.

The final object was built in red and blue satin containing 4 EVA boards in which figures are fit in according to its own environment. Each environment has been taught at school class: forest, city, sea and hygiene. The figures were painted with colorful and non toxic painting. 

The construction of this project was to me a very important and richfull experience.

It taught me that some times we don’t control the situations so we have to learn how to let ourselves be taken even if we don’t know where we’re heading to. That was the most difficult to me as I always want to control my path. I also learned how to start from nothing and achieve a goal and that sometimes the meaning is hidden between the lines. Making mistakes is a part of the learning process, and these mistakes lead us to the final product.


Subject: ART 1031

Class: 1AE

Professor: Ana Branco





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