Projetos em Design Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social
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Dancing and Articulating


Marina Paiva de Siqueira –

Leandro Gomes Novato –


 Social Group :

Júlio César Bottoni Silva

Escola de Dança Petite Danse

Rua Uruguai, 463 – Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro


The project was developed in the Petite Danse School of Dance, having followed the street dance lessons of Professor Júlio César Bottoni Silva. In this institution, there are various dance courses, like belly dance, salon dance, clog-dancing etc.

                The supervisor teaches movements and creates choreographies for the groups he works with. At a first phase of the course, professor Julio gives basic body notions and movements so that, afterwards, in a second phase, he can mount and train the choreographies.

From the set of words that compose the vocabular universe of Júlio César Bonttoni Silva, we recognized the following subject to the project: “Let's go, people, to joint four and after I want diagonal movements.”

                Professor Júlio frequently motivates his pupils with the expression "Let's go, people!" and, during the trials of choreographies, he always do the first "passage" by counting from 1 to 8 to allow its pupils to know the timing of each movement. For example, in a choreography made in pairs, where each person of the pair is the "mirror" of the other, the components move in opposing diagonal lines in a given moment.

                The identified concept was that the product must make mention to the human shape and would have a large mobility, being able to establish diverse diagonal lines, what is the "Adopted Party".

                The final object resulting from this process is an articulated doll, made with spheres, tourniquets and other plastic pieces, that intends to give to the pupils, in a ludic form, a bigger corporal notion, favoring the knowledge of the proper body and of its potentialities.


Subject: ART 1031

Class: 1AE

Professor: Ana Branco





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