Projetos em Design Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social
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Princess of Balls


Alana Oliveira Ruas –

Yuri Carvalho Martins –


 Social Group :

Liliane Rodrigues da Silva

Creche Chocolate

Rua João Carlos Machado, 411, na Barra da Tijuca.


The project was made at Creche Chocolate, in the Barra da Tijuca, with the teacher Liliane, who is responsible for Group three, that are children of three years of age. The day-care center is a place where the parents can leave their children during a part of the day, many times for working thus not being able to take care of. Our intercessor, Liliane, is one of the teachers of the day-care center, and has as function to take care of the children making several activities with them during the day. These activities consist of making drawings, making dolls, painting, playing in the patio sand, reading books and telling histories, playing of puppets and mass. From the set of words that composes the universe of the vocabulary of Liliane we recognize as subject for the project the phrase: “Princess of Balls”. Activities related with the phrase; drawing that the children represent princesses, and construction of dolls. We made in fabric of elastic screen a cloth doll where the children can place colorful plastic balls in its interior so that its body gains form and can play with them. The project is being used by Liliane with intention to stimulate children, making they mount and disassemble the body of the doll, as well as the clothes to dress her are clothes of princess or clothes of pupil of the Day-care center Chocolate.



Subject: ART 1031

Class: 1AE

Professor: Ana Branco





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