Projetos em Design Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social
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Work Line


Dávila Pontes Alves -

Bruno Senise Drolshagen -


 Social Group :

 Letícia Coutada

Colégio Estadual André Maurois

Rua Visconde de Albuquerque, nº 1325
Gávea - Rio de Janeiro



We worked on our project at André Maurois’ School, with Teacher Letícia who teaches Portuguese to High School students. Most of her students are finishing school and she teaches both literature and grammar.

       Using words from her vocabulary, we’ve recognized “People care about work” as the theme for out project.

       We realized that inside the classroom everybody was aware and conscious that the teacher was performing a work, but the students forgot that they were working too, in spite of that, sometimes they didn’t give the proper value to the work that they were doing themselves.

     While trying our experiments we could notice that Leticia saw a need that the students gave more value to what they were working on, and she thought that it could be reached by stimulating the students to expose what they were producing in School. So we defined this concept as our objective.

     Working with this concept we made a “clothes-line” made with bamboos over latex and polypropylene ropes. Leticia uses this line to expose texts and other things produced by the students, sometimes even attaching images and other materials, hoping to attribute more value to the students’ work. She expects that the students work harder knowing that what they are going to do will be exposed, and later, maybe the students will even want their productions to be exposed.

     Bruno: During this project I learned that to do things is much more productive and exercises your creativity much better then just to sit and think about what you are going to do. Joining idea with action we may discover things much more incredible and better then those that we only think. I thank Dávila for the way how she took on the project, what always made me feel confident. And I thank Leticia for her having ideals, which she shows while inside the classroom, it always made me feel really happy to be working in my project with her.

      Dávila: Only today I can really feel the value of working on this project. That’s because I’ve learned through it a new way to interact with other people and had a different kind of contact with design. I was shown a good and new way to follow inside the profession that I’ve chosen, that is not far from what I’ve learned and live with outside the University. I thank Bruno for his calm, what always kept me cool to work on the project. I also thank Leticia for being so nice and wanting to help us in our work all the time, It always kept me confident.


Subject: ART 1031

Class: 1AE

Professor: Ana Branco





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