Projetos em Design Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social
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Resistance Rubber


Luis Felipe Donatti  Pinto -


 Social Group :

Professor Leo Miller

Cento de Krav maga da Barra

Estrada da Barra da Tijuca, 3102 - Itanhangá
Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro.

Tel.: (21) 2495-3106/ 2495-9397



I made my Project in the Center of Krav Maga, at Barra, with Leo Miller, who teaches for all students over 12 years-old.

During my observations of his classes I could understand the teaching methods of Krav Maga where the students made repetitions of kicks and punch, have aerobic exercises, exercises to gain more strength and also learn personal defense techniques.

From the group of words taken from Leo Miller’s vocabulary, I recognized as theme for the project: “Krav maga is simple: defense, discipline and precision.”

Leo make his students repeat the movements over and over again in order to reach perfection, that needs discipline on the execution of every task given.

.From the bates offered to the teacher, Leo, the one he gave as a priority was the latex tube, because of its different applications on several exercises.

The final object was made out of the Leo’s preferences, a latex rubber band with lycra around, catching made of bicycle grip and a band made of Velcro. 

There are 4 ways that the rubber band can be used: for stretching exercises, to enforce aerobic exercises, to strengthen kicks and punch.


Make a project is not only creating an object to assist a person’s job, but to discover the necessity of the object from the materials given as useless for the activity that is being practiced.  Is to know and accept the methods of your neighbor, making you evolve from this experience. Things that I learn during this semester helped me to work my behavior with people during my daily life. By doing this project I could understand better the application methods of this process and the importance of things I thought it was indifferent to conclude the final object.

I would like to thank teacher Leo for helping me with all his knowledge about the fight and aerobic methods that taught me more about personal defense.



Subject: ART 1031

Class: 1AE

Professor: Ana Branco





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