Projetos em Design

Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

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Theater to think, to laugh and to listen developing variaty of languages



Gabriela Guilhon Dore


Rodrigo Hull Loyola


Social Group:

Márcia Miranda Lima

Escola Municipal CIEP Presidente Agostinho Neto           

Endereço: Rua Visconde Silva  s/nº - Humaitá, Rio de Janeiro



This project was developed at Escola Municipal CIEP Presidente Agostinho Neto, with the professor Márcia, that teaches for the inicial period. During the semester  we observed activities such as computer class, cutting and pasting, free time(drawing, playing and educational toys), and vídeos. From the set of words that compose the vocabular universe from Márcia we recognize as a theme for our project the following sentence: “Think is coloring life/ Laugh is learn to talk about life/ Listen beter to be able to speak”. After a series of experiments we concluded that our project should be developed to practice theater related to writing. The costume should have an aspect abstract allowing the childrens to create their own character. In this way, the product is made of pieces of fabric, accessories for the head(animals, vegetables, and abstract wigs, every one with a different color), and curtains with pockets where the kids could put letter and forme words and sentences. To make the costumes and curtains we used satin, with a few parts of it filled with acrylon. The pockets were made with red screen. The letters were spray painted using stencil technique. The molds of the letters were made in poliestileno with the help of a cutter and the base was made in a fabric structured with acetate.

“To design this semester was a experience different from everything I have ever lived. First of all I learned that to do a good job is required to love what we do and with the ones we work. That’s why my friendship with Rodrigo, the relationship with Márcia and her students, and the daily day with my colleagues and professors and colleagues were extremally necessary to the success of our work. With the help and support of each and everyone that I now know that to design is lear to deal with people and to produce a project with no end. It was with the last experiment that I notice that our project wouldn’t have an end in the moment I gave it to Márcia, but it would be only with her, and her students that this project would have a beginning” 

“I thank Márcia for the relationship developed that made me dedicate to the project to correspond all the attencion that she gave to us during the whole semester”


“This semester I learned more than I expected. I learned  what is to design with people and the importance  to my carreer and to society. Project to the other and for the other produce a work much more complete. Other joy of the semester was the relations that I developed inside class. I met people, such as colleagues professors and professional that became friends but also show me new points of view that helped my project There is no doubt that the “light juice”. I worked a lot this semester but more than this I had fun. Th night without sleeping with my partner didn’t make me tired, I had pleasure. Our project seems to be with no end as it had so much elements, but together we concluded in a way that I was satisfacted. The end of the “route” couldn’t be better. After so much experiments, I realize that our project have really made a difference, the students were acting better and interacting with their character more. To watch that  kids wearing what we have made, thinking, laughing, learning and listening made me understand the real meaning to color life.” 

“I thank Márcia for envolving with the project, that made me realize the importance to design with people and for people.”



Subject: DSG 1002

Class: 1AG

Professores: Ana Branco e Cristina Viana








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