Projetos em Design

Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

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Tissues to smile with the body


Aisha Jacob Mendes


Mayane Pereira Dore



Grupo social:

Ludmila S.F. Carlos    

Núcleo de Artes do Leblon

Rua Gilberto Cardoso s/n

Em frente a Cobal do Leblon

Leblon - Rio de Janeiro

Tel.: 2512-8666   -



  Our project took place in Núcleo de Artes do Leblon at a dancing class with teacher Ludmila.At the beginning of the process, Ludmila performed activities such as stretching, somersault and coreographies created by the students themselves.Later, she started to focus her classes on creating the coreography wich they should present at the end of the semester.From the list of words of Ludmila`s vocabulary, we recognized as the theme for our project: “A child smiles with her body as she dances”.In relation with that sentence, Ludmila connected it with the “diagonal” exercise.In this activity, Ludmila moves about diagonaltly in the class room, creating a coreography that her students should imitate while following her, smiling, happy to be dancing. Our chosen concept was cloth, because with it, each child can smile in different ways, giving new meaning to it. In this way, our final object was a bag with 21 different kinds of cloth, chosen according to its moviments, size, colours and texture.Among them, there are 4 “voils”, 7 cottons, a “tencel”, 2 viscoses, two satins, a tubed cloth, another one with a kind of lace sewed on it, and 3 bags, each made, with two different kinds of cloth sewed.At the moment, this bag full of cloth is being used in the choreography inspired in “lavadeiras”.However, according to Ludmila, they can still be used in the next years, once they can transform themselves and have differents endings attributed to it, depending only of the creativity of those who uses them.

Aisha:The process of a project is one of the most valuable things that you can have, make a product without creating your own path can´t teach you of what project is really about. I could learn that an object transform it self. One of my most important learning was that  you do not need to make an object with our own hands so it can be well accepted.  I thank my partner Mayan for her loyalty throughout the project, this made me feel motive when I became desparate.Beside that, I could be sure that sharing all these moments with her made our process more easy, helping us conclude a beautiful job.I thank Mila for showing me the universe of cloth.Because of her envolvement with all the cloth, I could learn how many meanings a singular thing can have.All of this made me feel satisfaction and pleasure for developing my project.

Mayane:The entire process of working with cloth made understand the meaning of project.Now I know that we do not necessarily must prepare something with our own hands, that project is far beyond a simple object.From all the project process, we start knowing ourselves better once we deal with outher people.Beside that, the other person with whom we deal also learn a lot of her self.I thank my partner Aisha for trying to maintain a balance,  making me understand the benefit of working together.When I was tired and impatient, she understood, and started  being more calm .

I appreciate the contact with Mila.This made me feel certain of how much we can learn dealing with the other people.






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