Projetos em Design

Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

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Creative Interview



Carlos Daniel Reisig


Livia Achcar Mourão


Social Group:

Carlos Cruz       

Colégio Infante Dom Henrique

Rua Belfort Roxo, 433

Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro

CEP: 22011-001



The Project was done at Colégio Infante Dom Henrique, Belfort Roxo Street, 433 in Copacabana. Our teacher, Carlos Cruz, teaches “Philosophy of Religion”.

                During his classes he asks hs students to copy certaind frases coneccted to his subjected projected on the classroom’s wall by the school projector. During this process he goes on explaining what it is they are coping. The subject is transmitted to his students in a clear and short manner, this makes the copied frases easy to memorize, thus, helping the learning process.

                During his activities, he uses a projector to present the movie “Sophie’s World”. Inspite it not being a common activity in public schools to use this kind of tecnology, Colégio Dom Infante provides one projector for his teachers.

                The movie is based on a famous philosophy book in which the main caracter is invited to a time travel, where she meets great philosopher’s and learns about their importance in history. By the end of the film, she learns to evaluate the consequences of her own actions e end the trip with a whole new level of wisdom, scaring her friends and even her students.

                Our world play was based on the teachers vocabular universe. From it we wera able to identify our Project theme: “To serve god wisely for a happy philosophy.”

                We found the previously described  activity to be close to what our teacher considers a happy philosophy. It’s the moment when the students are quiet and focused on the subject given. Taking their doubts when not sure of what’s been learnt and showing intrest in the matter.

                Since the visual support was noticed to be the imporant mean to transmit wisdom, and the resulto f our second hot/cold, we decided together with our Project teachers that the object to be constructed woul be a king of surface  in with keywords would be exposed enforcing their importance. There would also be produced a digial presentation of the content, so that the students would be able to associate images to the subject.

                A magnet, foldable, screen was produced in a way that when closed it turns into a “laptop bag”, as well as the digital Power Point presentation.

                The object is to be used with the projecter. The students must associate keywords in the magnet screen with the Power Point Presentation.


                Carlos: To live this semester’s experience was intriguing in the sense that i had never been to a public school. It impressed me the effort os the teacher in order to teach his students to think, act and try to predict their future consequences. With that I learnt to do the same. I thank Carlos Cruz for, besides allowing us to conduct our Project with him and his classes, teach me alot about philosophing with wisdom.

                I thank the teache Carlos Cruz for letting me  be a part of his teaching philosophy. I learned alot with him and this whole experience, turning me into a more open minded person open to new lessons and wisdom.

                I thank Livia for living with me all this philosophy in the act of projecting. I learned with her to always be my head held high, leading to a good humor e trust not only in her but in our final Project.

                Livia: To create a Project is to have a new experience every week, every visit to the school, every interaction with our teacher, that from a total stranger comes to be an essencial part of our lives, teaches us new ways to behave and inleaches new interests, before never imagined. I learned that the way to criativity is in the Exchange with the new and generates in me the Will to discover new paths.

                I thank our teacher Carlos Cruz, that with his unique subject, taught me that wisdom comes with relection and a I learned new ways to think and see the world.

                I thank my teammate, Carlos Reisig, for all his criativity and Will. That inspired me never to give up easily and mantain myself calm during the whole process. He showed me, with intelligent attitudes, that I could trust him no matter what. I sense I met someone incredible. It hás beem an honor to work with him. 



Subject: DSG 1002

Class: 1AC

Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente Barros






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