Projetos em Design

Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

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Fabric Book that Discovers History and the Love in School




Maíra Martins Santos


Débora Medrado Accioly



Social Group:

Professora Valeska Lemos

Escola Municipal Senador Correa

Rua Senador Correa, 14

Laranjeiras - Rio de Janeiro

CEP: 21378-006

Tel.: 8102-4946




The project planning was accomplished in municipal school Correia Senator, in the Street Esteves Junior, Laranjeiras. At the beginning our intercessora, Valeska, gave lessons for a pre-school group, however due to requested changes for the government, she started to give lesson for the Class of Alfabetização. In its lessons we could observe three different moments: the moment of the reading of history in the wheel; the moment of the work of the title of the history that consisted of the study of the letters and the training of words in the table, and the moment of the illustration of history; in which each day had a new technique (painting, glue or drawing). The first history that we accompany, for example, was the story of the chicken of gold eggs, in a circle the teacher read for the students. And as went reading the history she made questions to stimulate their imagination. After this the pupils were for the table, where they had to fill with paper small ball that they had kneaded, and later glue them in the drawing of a chicken. From the set of words that composed the vocabular universe of Valeska we recognize a subject for the project: “Discover the world, history and the love in school”. When analyzing this sentence and comparing the assisted activities, we notice that during the circle, where the teacher interacts with the pupils in playful way, Valeska stimulates them to work the curiosity. For example, in a task with figures the students had that to discover which similarity one figure had with the other, and how to organize them. From the experimentation, we made objects that she could elaborate histories, and that instigated the curiosity of the students As final object we made a felt book, with letters to work new words, and with modules, to assemble a history with personages and scenes. The book is used in the class circle, as much to assemble histories created by the children, through the illustration with the modules; how much to work words.


Maíra Conclusion: To make project is to interact with the world, knowledge to deal with it and to absorb it to be able to create for it. In this project I learned to plan, I learned more to think in advance and to be responsible. More than what, I learned to deal with school, learning, and the imagination. I grew as person and professional. I thank Débora for the fact of teaching me and to be this livened up and disposed person. I thank Valeska for always receiving me in school with open arms and being part of this project with us, generating in me many learnings that I go to lead for the life.


Débora Conclusion: To make the book, made me discover a new world of learning and work of imagination. The project this year made me to grow in responsibility with dates and the work altogether in a way that I do not make only one project, but all the projects of the group. I thank to Maíra therefore our partnership added me many good ideas that I intend to lead for the life.  I thank Valeska, our work together generated in me force, therefore always strong it in its decisions did not pass hand in the pupil head nor treated them badly, but she wanted to teach them for the life.




Subject: DSG 1002

Class: 1AC

Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente Barros






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