Projetos em Design

Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

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Learning the multiplication table by heart 



Eric Jason Urban        


Social Group


Márcia Reis 

Escola Municipal Henrique Dodsworth

 Rua Epitácio Pessoa,474, Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro.





   This project was done at the Escola Municipal Henrique Dodsworth located in,Av.Epitácio Person, nr.474, Ipanema. The project was done with Marcia Reis, she is a math teacher and teaches middle school. During her class, Marcia Reis teaches her students the basics of fundamental mathematics.
   From the set of words that compose the universe of the lexical teacher Marcia Reis, I recognized as the theme for the project: "Practice makes perfect, learn the multiplication table by heart"
   One of the activities developed by Professor Marcia Reis was to involve the child with the multiplication table, since many of the exercises given in class had some connection with the it. Defining a concept as a goal for the project was that the child could memorize the multiplication table in a playful and pleasurable way.  A double-entry table was made as the final product; it contained multiplication tables with little “curtains” to cover the results of the multiplication. Besides the panel, three different sizes of rings and cards were made, each containing an multiplication. The rings were made so that the teacher could add a certain value to each ring. Each card had a multiplication on it.
   The final product was used by the teacher in a very dynamic and effective. Despite the timidity of some, all students agreed to participate in the activities involving the final object.
   At first, I partnered to work on the project with a friend of mine who i had known since I started studying at PUC. However, at the beginning of the project, after we had just picked our partner who would work with us during the entire period, she dropped out of Design and ended up going to another college. When I discovered that I would do the project alone, I got scared. I thought of dropping out of the class and try doing it in the next period; nonsense. I talked with my teachers, and they said that if I walked away now, I would be walking away on myself. During the conversation, I found the willpower to continue the project even though alone. This made me revise my own concepts about my life and especially my career as a designer.
Finally, I would like to thank everybody who made it possible for this project to come out of the paper. Thank you!



Conclusion and Evaluation of the partner, Marcia Reis:


The interest of Eric in doing this project in my math class surprised me. As a student of the Department of Arts, I thought it would be the natural choice would be the class of arts education that happens here at the school. Because of his attitude I believe that the student is not afraid of challenges. He sought for the most hard working subject and developed a dynamic and creative work, which involved the whole class during his final presentation. Responsible and punctual. Congratulations!

Grade: 10




Subject: DSG 1002

Class: 1AD

Professores: Ana Branco e Gabriela Gusmão






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