Projetos em Design

Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

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Learning and knowing through the different ways



Luciana da Silva Bezerra


Marco Antonio da Conceição Junior



Social Group:

Regina Lúcia

Escola Municipal Pedro Ernesto

Rua Prof. Abelardo Lobo, nº 5, Lagoa, Rio de  Janeiro

CEP: 22470-240



We followed the work of the teacher Regina Lucia, who gives classes for children who attend the 4th year of primary education in Pedro Ernesto School in Lagoa. The lessons that we could follow up with more frequency were the math where Regina worked accounts mathematical and the Portuguese in the interpretations that were worked through writing, speech and drawings of the texts read.
             From the set of words that makes up the universe of the lexical intercessory Regina Lúcia, recognize as the theme for the project: "Hear to the children listening what they say help them learn to look to the design of their world.” Reconnecting with the phrase, the intercessory told us that when she asks her students their opinions in relation to the texts, she gives them the opportunity to express themselves and tell their different points of view.

From experiments, it was determined that the object should be an area of mobility and convenience for the intercessory to illustrate her lessons and than we started to think of possible ways to realize our object. Finally, we ended up doing three surfaces of parana paper coated with beige carpet, each with fifty-seven centimeters in length and seventy-four centimeters in tall, each surface is secured with zipper jacket and the form of collage illustrations, lyrics alphabet and numbers, we used duratran black fabric with velcro sewn black behind.

 When we presenting the final prototype for the intercessory, she used providing the surface resting on the blackboard and began her lecture by illustrating to children the various sights of Rio de Janeiro and following this, the different geometric shapes and the various possibilities of forming new ways from a tangram.

Luciana: The experience I have had the opportunity to live in the tent for me was everything. I could choose Marco as a double for the project, and together we finded one of the best things we could have happen, which is our intercessory. Each day I arrived in the morning at school, Regina prayed with the class and she always said something that touched me deep inside, that was one of the points that kept me going and have the strength to move forward with the project. Besides that, each meeting in the tent, Ana said things that made me stop and think and wonder about everything that was happening at that moment on the project, and it makes me stronger and mades me realize that I was capable of doing the project, passing the challenge which I had chosen. The project was a self knowledge because I didn’t know I had so much ability and strength to face such a challenge, and to get a self-control of nervousness and stress that I could have other times. Thanks to Marco because he has been by my side the whole time giving me a good energy, which helped me to develop the project with more passion, it made me learn that everything around you have an important connection for us to know ourselves and strength to develop a job with care and passion. Thanks to Regina because she has given all the time for an important project and for his involvement with me and Marco, but in addition, I am grateful for every pray that she did at the beginning of each class, it made me learn that when we engage with the affection with which we live, we can be surprise with ourselves and with the final results.

Marco Antonio: This project was the purest and most intense of the true meaning of learning. Through the activities and life experience in the tent I could build a little about myself. There are many moments that I’ll take to the rest of my life. I feel very moved to have the opportunity to deal with the unknown and from that experience the most intense feelings that ranged from a maximum of up to a maximum of another. I highlight this conclusion three times that I will never forget: the many moments which I could feel touched. One of the most intense during the lesson was when Ana said we should be "juquinha" because only people like that can survive in the world without looking back. So that we get what we want and desire, because of both questioning and ask, just for doing what others do what we want. This created in me a greater confidence in relation to the challenges confronting us, because we can’t be afraid of things, we must question them to be able to understand them and move on, we have to shoot the challenges and fight in order to have what we want. I leave this with the certainty that what I did was important, but much more was that I could learn from them and how this is incorporated in my life. Thanks to Luciana for the fact that she followed me and didn’t give up and neither me to our project. It made me learn to be more mature and thoughtful about everything that comes to me and I have to do, and more, always give all of me and not be afraid to know myself. Thanks to Regina for each pray at the beginner of each class, because it made me learn to know the little things that enhance day-to-day that we find natural and insignificant, but actually if you stop to analyze them you’ll find a true and great value, just stop and look at them.


Subject: DSG 1002

Class: 1AC

Professores: Ana Branco e Gabriela Gusmão









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