Projetos em Design

Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

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Panels to color the better world




Dora Marques Reis


Luiza Rafael Palmier Cabral




Social Group:

Prof Rosana Veríssimo

Escola Municipal Sérgio Vieira de Mello

Rua Adalberto Ferreira, 19

Leblon - Rio de Janeiro

CEP: 22441-040

Tel.: 2259-9444



Our project was accomplished in partnership with the teacher Rosana Veríssimo, at the Municipal School Sergio Vieira de Mello. Rosana teaches the class for the 2nd year of elementary school, which has students aged between 6 and 8 years old. Some of the activities performed in class are: drawing, book reading and exercises based on books or made by the teacher. The teacher assists students in these activities, always encouraging them to improve their performance.
       From the set of words in Rosana´s vocabulary universe, we recognize as the theme for the project: "Together we have the crazy power to hear, write and color the world better."
       This phrase can be associated with the importance she gives for the practice of children's writing and their ability to create, as she applies exercises as writing a story based on a drawing and illustrating a text or poem, among others.
       Based on the learning generated by the experiments made, we conclude that it would be interesting for the teacher and her class to develop an object that explores children's ability to interpret a text and, at the same time, makes associations of images and words inserting them into the story.
      Then, we have developed panels of fabric coated magnet for children to tell their own stories using elements (numbers, letters, digraphs and figures) of felt with magnet.
       The panels were used for the children to write sentences with the figure, letter and number that they were delivered. At the end of the activity, Rosana asked each trio of students to read what they wrote. The teacher then joined together all the panels and the class read the story that was formed by combining all the sentences created.


Luiza: The biggest learning I had in Project 1002 was to observe the people around me. I also learned that nothing is static, defined, we must be aware that in the next five minutes everything can change and you have to be able to manage the consequences of this change, without hanging to what had been done. I thank Dora for complicity, generosity, responsibility and friendship. Her mature and secure attitudes have generated on me the learning that we can be relaxed and responsible and  that to accomplish a good process is necessary will, dedication and great affection. Their attitudes show me how it is gratifying to be organized and inspire me to improve even more. I thank Rosana for her affection, attention, respect for us and especially for the children, dedication and complicity. Her relationship with us can not be defined otherwise than as a partnership. Her attitudes have led me to learn that if we have respect for people, commitment and responsibility to fulfill what was established, we will receive that care back and create a healthy and lasting relationship.


Dora: For me, doing the project  was to dive into a sea of experiences, learning to feel and notice the new one that was around me. I also learned to appreciate and recognize the subtlety and dedication of those who care for us. I was surprised by the generosity and affection of the children and I could discover a lot with the curiosity and sincerity they bring in their look. I thank Luiza for her simplicity on dealing with all things and her constant commitment, causing me to learn how to share my doubts and certainties and being even more engaged on this project. Thanks also for the ease by talking and acting with children, that made me a bit like her, gentle and relaxed. I thank Rosana for her teaching, kindness and patience, as well as all the attention and care with the students, fundamental for their education, which made me learn a little more about the importance of the teacher and the beauty of this craft. I am grateful that she had shown the same attention and care for us, which made me learn a lot about exchange and about our role to change the world.




Subject: DSG 1002

Class: 1AC

Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente





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