Projetos em Design

Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

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Panel for child to play with mathematical operations





Anderson Diniz



Priscila Costa


Grupo Social

Joana D`Arc Varejão

Escola Municipal Desembargador Oscar Tenório

Rua Prof Manuel Ferreira, 141

Gávea-Rio de Janeiro

CEP: 22451-030

Tel: 2274-6226


Our Project was developed in Escola Municipal Desembargador Oscar Tenório, with the teacher Joana D’Arc Varejão. This one gives classroom for the third series and is a teacher of mathematics, sciences and Portuguese. During the visited classrooms we realize that the Joana it was focusing very much in the mathematics, debt the difficulties presented by his pupils in learning such a matter. The intercessory one usually does exercises of different mathematical operations, in the blackboard, always with much good mood, inviting the pupils to participate of the activities. From the set of words that composes the verbal universe of Joana, we recognize like subject for the project: “My loves! We want children playing of doing multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. ” Certain time she used a picture of squares to carry out multiplications, where the pupils were coloring and demarcating the corresponding area to the result. In function of the experimentations of our first ideas, we end that our product should be something that could work mathematical operations, to be hung and was presenting several means of use, using numbers and geometrical figures to carry out the mathematical operations. Final product is a panel of plastic canvas, with hundred and twenty one pockets of plastic and small "rings" diagonally what allow to pass a rope to demarcate the areas. Also there were done numbers, scamp and letters of the classes of the numbers, all acts of felt. He can be used to work relative value, absolute value and the abstraction of the children. Besides, it can serve like abacus and like the form of representing the mathematical problems.


Anderson- The project served me to make growing, breaking prejudices and to lose a little of my shyness. I discovered which project is to carry out terms, being always open for the new and to the new experiences and it made me respect still more the differences. The project made me more generous and made me see that the good mood is basic for a better familiarity and to make the most pleasurable and creative life. I thank the Priscila for his companionship, for his ideas and smiles. What produced in me an enormous pleasure and tranquillity during the project. I thank the Joana for his good will, for his good mood and sincerity. What produced in me much apprenticeship and pleasure because of being able to optimize his classroom and to make his more pleasurable day by day. Priscila - The experience with the project consists in an alone word, apprenticeship. In this semester I could see that everything has an apprenticeship, and for each apprenticeship something to thank. The project taught me being more calm, persistent and always removing the best of the situations. I thank the Joana for his confidence and because of always appearing disposed to collaborate with our project. What it produced in me at disposal to help other and to be more open for the stranger. I thank to the Anderson because of teaching me being patient, always smiling and because of teaching me which whim takes time, which produced in me a great motivation during the project.


Subject: DSG 1002

Class: 1AC

Teachers: Ana Branco e Gabriela Gusmão





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