Projetos em Design Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social
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Geometric Sensibilizers



Carolina Braga Leal -

Pedro Marinho Seixas -


Social group:

Fisioterapeuta Carolina Ribeiro de Oliveira

Instituto Benjamin Constant

Avenida Pasteur, 350 / 386

Urca - Rio de Janeiro

CEP: 22240-290

Tel.: 97614264


We worked at Benjamin Constant Institute with Carolina de Oliveira. She works with

Blind people of all ages , principally children, with a different medical care for each one.

From the vocabulary universe of Carolina de Oliveira , we made for the work idea : “ Fisioterapeutic care for blind people “.

In the meetings we observed Carolina proposing a lot of exercises to the people, principally the children , in order to help them to become more independent. She did that proposing them to hold the different objects to see their reacion, like making any noise and the person have to identify where the sound come from.

In base of the experiments used by Carolina we identified her intencion to help the pacients  in the identification of stuff to make them more independent.  The pair developed objects with different chapes, textures, smells and sounds, different from each other , to work at the sensibility of the children.

For the textures the pair used different tissues. To the smells we used soaps, to the noises we used boxes with rice, seeds , nails , rocks and water inside .

Making the project , made Caroline realize the universe is bigger than her imagine. The magic of living with the differences and live in harmony with it.

Making the project , made Pedro learn more about blind people and their behavior in the society , and indirectly learn about other stuff, like materials, textures, sounds, etc.


Disciplina: Art1031
Turma: 1 AC e 1 AD
Professores: Ana Branco e Carlos André Côrtes




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