Projetos em Design Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social
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Web of fabric that transforms muscles and mind


Ines Vital Brasil Lampreia -

Igor de Oliveira Martins -

Social Group :

Lino Camara Pi

Condomínio Fazendinha

Estrada do Mucuiba - Vargem Grande


              The project was located in a place called little farm condominium, by the professor Lino Camara Py, where he gives Tai Chi Chuan Classes early in the morning, just after the sun rise. Lino beleives the the most elevated cawarness is to go in to the moviment. The group of words that belogns to Linos universe, we choosed some to our project. "The dedication and the research of the Ki transform the muscles and the mind"

              The professor always helps the begginers to fell as pasrt of the group as possible. We have created a group of 12 belts made ir by strech cotton in six colors that creats teias. We can say that was a big learning, in how we can transform simple thoughts in something smart to use it, for ourselfs and for athers.

              It was a different and new expirience where I could share in four months a long lerning. A partner and the professor were extremely important to the development of the product.


Subject: ART 1031

Class: 1AE

Professor:Ana Branco e Carlos André Côrtes

Monitors: Bia, Carol, Etiene





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