Projetos em Design Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social
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"Together in the school we learn to live"




Social Group :

professora Karen Mizrahi

Jardim II - Escola Espaço da Educação



            The project was made in the School Espaço da Educação, in the Leblon. In this school, we attend lessons of Jardim II with the teacher Karen Mizrahi. With it the children learn to draw, to write its names, of the nature, to share in group, hygiene with the body... From the set of words that composes the universe to vocabular of Karen we recognize as subject for the project "Together in the school we learn to live".

            From the carried through experiments, we define as objective it project to work the expression, the autonomy and the initiative of the children. We construct gloves in felt of some colors to be mounted and used as puppets from the movement of the hands of the children. The used parts as accessory are constructed with felt and Velcro These puppets is being used for the together teacher with the children creating histories and mounting its personages.

            "To live this experience it served to teach to me to have more patience, to be prompter and responsible, to create a routine, to learn to coexist people who I do not know right, to learn to deal with the reality of work in the physical world having that to go in some distinct places to search information. I learned to be less anxious and not to leave the things for last hour ". "I thank the Karen for the fact of it to have very been receptive with us what it generated in me an admiration for it."Marcela.

            "The project served to gain experience, as a first work, to lose inhibition with the people who I don't know, to have more responsibility, to work with some kinds of materials.". "I thank the Karen for having received us well and to become our work easier." Romario


Subject: ART 1031

Class: 1AA e 1AE

Professor: Ana Branco e Carlos André Côrtes





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