Modules to have a incredible class
Pietro Vanni – pietrovanni@terra.com.br Ana Andrade – anacarol_andrade@hotmail.com
Group : Raimundo Renato Ribeiro Academia KIM Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 245 - Botafogo.
The project was made in Academia KIM, with Mestre Renato. He is graduated and gives classes in his academy. There, they have Tae-Kwon-Do classes, from monday to friday, almost the whole day. We have gone to some of them to develop our project.
From the set of words that compose the vocabular universe of Renato, we recognized as subject for the project: “With two tips the class become incredible.”
After testing some of our ideas, we defined that our chosen alternative for the project was to use boxes with a tape for the execution of variated exercises. With more focus on experimentalism, we could make the final object, cubes of sponge, revested with fabric and velcro, together with a tape, to be done in different structures, and then amplify the possibilities of exercices, with no hurting.
Nowadays it's being used to do tasks on classes that were challenging because there wasn't an object to accomplish these tasks.
Subject: ART 1031 Class: 1AE Professor: Ana Branco
e-mail: ana.branco@rdc.puc-rio.br |