Projetos em Design Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social
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Flexor Bar with Latex


Ian Cosenza –

Julia Worcman Dornelles –


 Social Group :

Daniela Lavagnino

Academia + Água

Rua Raimundo Correa, 35/loja


We did the project at a gym called +Àgua. During the Daniela Lavagnino`s teacher classes. The classes are made of exercises inside the pool, using a lot of equipments as latex bed, EVA tubs and others. The theme for our project was base at the phrase “kick alternating none stop

The phrase chosen could be related with al classes, because al the exercises are a combination made with aerobics exercises and gym. Example is the activity that the students had to kick the water and move then arms opposites as the legs.

After we had done al the experiments, be clear that what we had to do was an object for gym using the latex tubs.

The final object is a Flexor Bar with Latex tub designated for the exercises of the superiors’ members of de body. It is made with a PVC tub of 19,69 in evolved by a peace of lycra and a long latex tub of 6,56 feet .


Subject: ART 1031

Class: 1AE

Professor: Ana Branco





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