Patrick Queiroz Clark Rafael Vilela Valente vilelarafael181@hotmail.com Social Group: Ubiratan Ávila Centro de cidadania Rinaldo de Lamare, casa Naná Sette Câmara Av. Niemeyer, 776 – 11º andar (Letra 10 – Normal) We chose to do our project
at Casa Naná Sette House, located in São Conrado, Avenida Niemeyer, 776, and
there is developed a work with older people. They do exercises, dances and
have class and they spend all day there. We choose to work with the developer
Ubiratan Avila, professor of physical education and physical therapist that
in this location teaches synaptic gymnastics. On the day when we we went to
see the class, we feel very well received by Ubiratan, who attended us
showing great interest in our project. The lesson was in the morning,
between 9:00 and 10:00, and was to work the internal organs not to develop muscles like they do in
conventional gymnastics, this fact were what motivated us to work with him.
When we need help he was available and the older people was always curious
with our work. the interest of Ubiratan made us believe every day that
everything would be allright , who had a perfect environment to do our
project. From the set of words that
make up the universe vocabular, Ubiratan recognize as the theme for the
project: "Visceral function and upgrade brain generates self-knowledge
to conscient function." A movement that links with the phrase is one
where the students give their hands and
lean forward and backward exercising the pelvic floor, stomach, liver
and intestine. While they were hand in hand they had to feel the energy that
was being passed by his arms. Stimulator for the hands:
Stimulator in the form of hand, with small pins, with Velcro and elastic
involving the hand to secure it. Stimulator for heels:
Stimulator in the shape of the heel, with large pins with the shape of T,
stitched, forming a heel stimulator. Shirt with the organs:
stitched shirt with a layer of “second skin”, with the following colorful
materials: Intestines: rope wine; Pancreas: Green miçangas; Liver: Orange
foam; Stomach: Pink cloth; Lung: Blue cellophane paper; Heart: Red miçangas
and red cloth. Do project for me is to get
involved with the mediator's work, watch everything that is worked, and with
him and find solutions to improve his classes. This is mine second project
yet, so it is not complete, it's far from it yet, but in this process I
learned a lot. With the help of my double, teachers and intercessor I finish
this period with a new look at the employment relations. I learned how to be
more patient, responsible for having a compromise with my intercessor and
double, created a great bond of friendship with Ana and Vincent that helped
us a lot in the whole process. To my professional life I take the friendship
of great teachers who taught me a lot about design and construction
techniques of products, which will be crucial for my academic and
professional life. I thank Ubiratan throughout
the whole process, since we started he was comprehensive and always wanted to
help us and this reflected in our final product, this created a great
pleasure to have worked with him this period. Rafael
Vilela Doing this project teached me many
things. First I learned not to have a bias on things just by their names,
because before starting the project I thought that was only gym for exercise
the muscles. After doing a gym class of synaptic I discovered that there is
also gym for the organs. I learned to be patient,
responsible and careful with what I do. I Also learned methods of sewing,
notions of the human body and the importance of perception of the senses in
our lives .I feel that I am more alive with what is happening around me,
realizing and analyzing more the things. I felt that by doing this
project I learned many things about a different age which I almost hadn't contact, which are the elderly. I
discovered how funny they are and always very friendly and in a good mood. I
believe I made many new friends, with the students and with the teacher, for
which I wish very good luck in his new career. I thank Ubiratan for the
respect and attention that he had throughout the project. I am also grateful
for having shown me and taught me the synaptic gymnastics.I appreciate his
enthusiasm with the final product. This resulted in me the certainty that I
made a new friend, the knowledge of a new type of gym where the internal
organs are worked and the certainty of having done well this project. I thank
Rafael for being an outstanding double during the project always helping me
and being with me at all time, having great ideas that were compatible with
my thoughts. This resulted in me a desire to perhaps in a next project, be
able to make double with him. Patrick Clark
Subject: DSG 1002 Class: 1AH Professores:
Ana Branco e Vicente |