Beginning the conversation with the letters in the
lap of the teacher Laís Dias Mariana Solis Mari_nigro_solis@hotmail.com Social Group: Claudia Valeria Creche Irmãs Batistas Rua Siqueira Campos 132, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro We carry out our project in the
Municipal School Senator Corrêa in a group
of the 1st year of the basic teaching with the teacher Dielly
Souza. In the group 1102 (6, 7-year-old children) they learn to write with
activities of the book and activities created by the teacher. An example was
the exercise on top of the music “ The indiozinhos ” in which it asked Dielly
so that the pupils accompanied the letter of the music in the paper and
looked for the letters what she was asking. From the set of words that
composes the verbal universe of Dielly we recognize like subject for the
project: " 1,2,3: Beginning to
understand the child with calm and care. ” And we realize that the sentence had
everything to do with our project. While teaching the pupils, the teacher
Dielly helps them in group and individually, so each one has a different
difficulty. After the first experiments, our
adopted party worked with the letters, colors and of it exposed forms to the
children. With that in mind our final product was an apron with pockets for
the letters, where in the chest of the apron there is a flat frontlet that is
possible to stick the letters. The used materials were popeline (cloth from
cotton), I felt, line and velcro. Completely in the green color (simulating a
blackboard). The teacher Dielly is using the apron to help in the activities
of formations of words, new syllables learnt by the group. This experience served in order that we learnt to think about an
objective about all his stages. Each one with his importance. I thank for
Ana and Vicente, they have me shown the importance from what I do, from each
stage, of worrying about the material that I use, in not attacking what is in
turn and not even to us ourselves, which it did so that I had another vision
on many aspects of my life. (Laís) I thank for
the teachers and the School Senator Corrêa for all patience and understanding
with the phases of the project, which produced in me bigger freedom of being
able to expose my ideas and to receive very well the criticism, taking our
project to the best. (Mariana) Subject: DSG 1002 Class: 1AH Professores:
Ana Branco e Luis Vicente Barros |