Puppets and fantasies of animals with soft and
perfumed paws to caress Elisa Ferreira elisamf@hotmail.com Flávia Trizotto flaviatrizotto@yahoo.com.br Social Group: Prof.
Maria Célia da Silva
Creche Sant’Anna Rua Prof Luiz Catanhe, 25 Laranjeiras - Rio de Janeiro CEP.: 22245-040 Tel.: 2556.2023 The chosen place to work on our
Project was the day care Sant’Anna that belongs to the Cristo Redentor church
and attends to around 100 children. The day care is run by Maria Helena
Rodrigues Henrique Ferreira who received us on our first visit and authorized
us to work with them. She introduced us to Maria Célia da Silva, teacher of a
class of 30 students from 2 to 3 years of age and her helper, Kátia. During
the classes the children are given several activities, proposed by the
teacher, Célia, our collaborator. We noticed that her work focused on
teaching and expecting good manners and friendship between the children. We
chose to work there because of the opportunity of working with children,
because we admired Célia’s teaching process and beacaues we were so well
From the set of words that compose Maria Célia da Silva’s vocabulary universe
we recognize as the theme of our project: “LOVE AND RESPECT HELP NOT TO HAVE
FIGHTS, TEARS AND WOUNDS” By the experimentation of the first
baits it was defined, as the objective of our project, teaching values and
good manners to the children. The values, love and respect, from the sentence
chosen by our collaborator were normally passed on to the children while they
were at the playground and Célia taught them to share and not hurt one
another and during their circle when she would talk to them about what is
right and wrong and about their obedience. Our final product is fantasies,
puppets and gloves of five animals that were chosen with the teacher. The
animals are: cow, rabbit, cat, dog and lion. The fantasies were made with
tricoline and the details, like the tails, mains and ears with felt or plush.
The puppets and the gloves were made of felt. The gloves received a layer of
tricoline, jersey on the wrist and were filled with acrilon and chamomile on
the palm. The product is being used, by the teacher, in the circle formed
with the children as a way to keep the childrens attention while she teaches
them good manners and how to behave. This semester’s Project was very
special because I had many practical and personal changes. It was here at our
Tent that I learned that each step is essential for the process to flow and
that a child’s universe is very attractive. I thank Elisa, for having been a
real partner and having become a special friend. This created in me a life
long friendship. I thank Célia for being involved in our project, creating in
me pride in seeing the result of the project and in seeing her satisfaction
with it. On this Project, I learned to give value to the steps that were given
and understood how much each one contributes to the final result. I also
learned, and I owe to our teachers, to understand what each lived situation
created in me. I thank Flávia for having been a greta partner, always working
with me and making the steps of the project fun and easy, creating in me a
successful and demanding semester. I thank Célia for the way she used our
final product, creating in me satisfaction in seeing that we were able to
obtain, together, good results. Subject: DSG 1002 Class: 1AH Professores:
Ana Branco e Luis Vicente Barros |