Miguel Ferraris Aguiar
Tárik Tavares Quintañs
Tariktq@gmail.com Social Group: Veronica Gomes Se essa rua fosse minha Rua Alice 298, Laranjeiras, Rio
de Janeiro CEP:
22241-020 sessarua@visualnet.com.br Tel.
:2557 6345 The
project was done at a circus school called “Se essa rua fosse minha”,
sponsored by international institutions. The class is made for children up to
thirteen years old, with the help of the teacher Verônica Gomes. The place
attends people in the margin of society, from communities next to it or
not. Her class encloses several circus
activities, besides the effort on her part to teach values to her students.
Breakfest and lunch are also offered to the kids. We watched different types
of activities such as: ground exercises, juggling, elastic bed, trapeze and
monocycle. Based on Verônica’s vocabulary universe, we recognized as theme of
the project the phrase: “Try to trust the effort in
order to improve.” Many of
the activities practiced there relate to the selected phrase, hence the need
to improve the technique to achieve perfection, as in the juggling exercises,
trapeze and the monocycle. After we’ve tested a whole bunch of objects we’ve
concluded that we should make a product that not only stimulated the user,
but could be more challenging every time you used it. Following that
statement, we’ve searched for and item that had different levels of
difficulty. With
Veronica’a help we were able to define the final product – A Kit of Swings –
and object that they did not possess and the teacher had much interest in.
Then we’ve decided that would be separated in three diferent groups, each one
varying in difficulty. We tested
a number of cloths in order to build the swing, choosing as the type Helanca.
We’ve sewed in the overlock sewing machine, with a “bag” in the edge, much
similar to a pillow, that allowed changing
the object in the tip of the swing, which originaly were balls of
different weights. We also used a PVC pipe, to work as a staff with a swing
in each edge. The kit
was used in the best possible way, increasing the number of activities in the
class. Miguel:
i’ve learned a lot in the time we’ve attended the project. I’ve learned even
more that I cannot have any kind of prejudice, cannot take hasty conclusions
without experimenting first and to always remeber that I can be very
surprised when I assume that something is gonna work or not. Although the
biggest conclusion I’ve come to realize was, Project means Study. There’s no
project without taking care of every little problem and studing it hard,
observeing all its aspects in the context that it fits, search for solutions
and discovering ways to execute it. Without the study of different stages,
the solution will not be good, and we will always having that feeling that
something is missing. Tárik:
For me the project was the best I could hope, although we had problems at the
beggning to find a place that entertained or amazed us. We’ve learned to work
with a small group of students and little resources but this didn’t came as a
bad motivation, quite the contrary. We were very motivated to fully change
the enviroment and to build something that would really matter. Verônica is a
caring, gentle lady, that loves her job and always tried to be friend with
us. Those months were, above all, a way to beat obstacles and surpass limits
– at least for me. Perfectioning every little detail to the most we could. I
conclude this work with happines and peace, for knowing that we’ve created
something that really changes the enviroment and, most of all, that it will
be used.
Subject: DSG 1002 Class: 1AH Professores:
Ana Branco e Luis Vicente Barros |