Projetos em Design

Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

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Geometric Forms that makes you think



Luiza Bogea


Mariana Bendavit


Social Group:

Jaci Castro

Municipal School Desembargador Oscar Tenório

St.  Professora Manuel Ferreira, 141- Gávea



The project was done in the “Escola Municipal Desembargador” (a municipal school) with the intercessor Jaci Castro, teacher in all subjects of a fourth grade class.

In class, beyond teaching all subjects required, the teacher stimulates mind developing contents for the students using more than books to achieve her goal. For example, there was an occasion when she played classic music for the students and it was asked for them to draw hearing their favorite tune describing what they felt on that moment. Using the vocabulary universe used by Jaci Castro we recognized as project theme: “To think is to be human”.


 Throughout the theme sentence, the first experiments and what was observed in the classroom, it was understood that the objective is to give freedom to express in some object that matches or plugs one another to their liking, understanding so that things go the way they are supposed to it is required thinking involved. 


As final objects, stuffed pillows in different geometrical forms in primary colors were selected. Each face of the objects contained Velcro straps positioned in such way that one could attach to another object. They were made with tricoline fabric, Velcro straps matching colors with the fabric and stuffed with acrilon. On the first use of the final objects, a theme was determined so that the groups of students could create something related and try to guess what the other group had done as well. On the second use there were no themes they could freely create whatever they wanted and show it to the class.


This experience, to me, Mariana Bendavit, has been very interesting due to the fact that barriers were broken since the beginning. Furthermore, we learned not to get attached with some ideas and take them for granted, so that the opinion of others could be revaluated for the best of the product. I thank Luiza for being such an amazing pair to work with creating both product and friendship in this project. It enchanted me in such a way that I will carry it into future projects. I thank, as well, intercessor Jaci Castro for embracing this project and for teaching such new things, making of this a rich experience.


This project to me, Luiza Bogéa, has been a very complete experience. I have learnt to deal with detachment, to accept with more regard the critics and to plan before execution of a task. I thank Mariana for being such a loyal companionship always smiling, generating in me an apprentice. I also thank Jaci for taking us and our project with a full heart. Making it easier to work in a area in witch you feel part of it. Due to the fact that working with positive people is the best formula to reach a perfect result,



Subject: DSG 1002

Class: 1AC

Professores: Ana  Branco e Cristina








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