Projetos em Design

Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

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Geometric shapes with bamboo




Guilherme Campanati Camilo Jorge


Social Group:

Lígia Mefano

Escola Dr. Cócio Barcellos

Rua Barão de Ipanema n°34, Copacabana 



My project took place on Dr. Cócio Barcellos School, with Ligia Mefano, an art teacher with emphasis in geometry for a 7° grade class of grown up students.

The classes are related with geometry, but trying to make the students think artistically.

The group of words that was composed from her vocabulary made the theme for my project: “Create is freedom of construct, hit and miss”

An example of her classes was the construction of a doll in geometric forms.

Making the project was good to face all the difficulties that came and make them small. Was to be afraid of each step and be thankful for all the people that helped you.

And then, losing this fear, the only thing that came was professional and, more important, personal growth.

I thank the collaboration that Ligia gave me on all steps of the project, which led me to the development of the creative process.



Subject: DSG 1002

Class: 1AD

Teachers: Luis Vicente Barros and Ana Branco





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