Camila Terra Ramalho Fabiana Costa fabykerida@yahoo.com.br Social Group: Teresa Cristina
Maia School Municipal Arthur Ramos Street: Marquês de São Vicente, 140 Gávea - Rio de Janeiro CEP: 21378-006 Since the day we met Teresa, we
realized that she enjoys teaching with games. During these games the class
was split in two: boys and girls. Therefore, in the first part of the project
we faced the hard mission: unite boys and girls. How could boys and girls get
together if their teacher segregates them? Throughout the semester we got
tips of how to achieve this task mainly from the “quente-frio”. After the
first time we used this procedure with Teresa, the winner experiments were
the “vai-vem”, “ jogo da forca” and the math game. Listening to Teresa’s
comments, we were able to discover that she frequently plays the “jogo da
forca” with the class. With the help of Ana Branco and Cristina, we concluded
that Teresa would like a game in which there was not a winner. In other word,
a game that would bring the students together. In the second time we used
“quente-frio”, we prepared many different samples of the “jogo da força” (one
part of the doll is added each time that a student chooses one right letter)
and the “domino” (we came up with this idea after researching about
cooperative games). In order to play
“domino”, the class was separated in groups that had boys and girls. The
“forca” game created the perfect environment for racial issues discussions. Teresa picked the two dimensions
“forca” game in which the students had to dress the doll. In materials
research Teresa choose the magnet doll because it was the most convenient
option. For this reason, we made a panel of “MDF” and iron, a magnet doll and
clothes of fabric and magnet rocks. Subject: DSG
1002 Class: 1AH Professores:
Ana Branco e Cristina Viana |