Projetos em Design

Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

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The doll that educates through life




Isabelle Vieira Nobili


Ricardo Lange Hilgert


Social Group:

Joana D´arc Souza Feitoza Varejão

Escola Municipal Luiz Delfino

Rua Marquês de São Vicente 238 – Gávea


This project was done at the “Escola Municipal Luiz Delfino” at  238 Marquês de São Vicente street, Gávea with the elementary teacher Joana D’Arc. In time, we had the opportunity of accompanying some classes with the teacher Joana D’Arc. One of her favorite activities is the literacy exercise, which uses letters and words written on the board to incentivate the students to recognize the letters and identify the words.

From the group of words that make up Joana’s environment, we recognized the theme for the project: “It is time to think about education, let us pick an education for life.”

The teacher Joana D’arc really believes in the activities in which the students participate actively, those in which students have the opportunity of interacting with the exercise much more than just writing. She always likes to make the students think, in everything, and only afterwards put it on paper. We started to do experiments through the objective-phrase and, using this, we concluded that she admired the tactil part in which the students could learn through this resource. We created a didactic doll which, through it, lots of activities could be done.

We went on to the construction of the final object, a doll that could make it possible for the teacher to develop multiple activities. She was made with cotton and filling, with lots of possibilities, the main one being the magnet board to write words also made with magnets and sandpaper to explore tact. The doll provided lots of utility and interactivity to the students as well as the teacher.


Isabelle: Doing the project for me was a very good experience which led me to learn many things. In the beginning I thought it was going to be a boring process and that I would have to do everything really quickly to get rid of it. But just when I met the teacher and started visiting the school, I saw that it was on the contrary; I wanted to go there even more times and do everything with detail and not in a hurry. I learned that when you are in an environment where everybody likes what is being done and motivate you, it’s essential for you to do it with lots of enthusiasm. I found some little barriers along the way, but I overcame them with lots of strength. Doing the project is liking, learning with every detail, growing with every mistake, and observing everything that is there. I discovered that I loved making the project and that it was a unique experience that I recommend to anyone who has not done it. I grew a lot on the view I had of things, and the path that they took made me become more observant and creative.


Ricardo: I believed that making the Project was something purely physical, it was looking at a necessity in a specific place and then developing something that would fill that space. I believed it would be like looking for a hole in a ship and then covering it up with something, something that I came to develop. Along the way, I began to see new things, new horizons and with this I started reviewing my answer to the previous question. And that’s where we learn. Doing the project is like making a sculpture, you start with an idea of what it will be, but everything can happen along the process. During this project, I learned that patience is the most important virtue; I learned that things not always turn out the way we want them to, like we planned them to be. I learned that dedication is fundamental for a good project, like everything in life, it’s not enough just to want; we have to make it happen. I learned that there is never a limit; the more we dedicate ourselves the better is the result.


Gratitude Isabelle: I thank Ricardo for being my great companion during the whole Project. This generated in me and enormous proximity to him which made it possible for us to reach our objective with success and without any kind of conflict.

I thank the teacher Joana for supporting and receiving me in her class. This generated in me an enormous responsibility with her and the project.


Gratitude Ricardo: I thank Isabelle for having helped me with the areas that I had trouble with during all the time we spent working on the Project. This made me understand better how it’s like, how things work, many techniques and the most varied functions that those techniques can have.

I thank the teacher Joana for having helped and supported us throughout the period in which we accompanied her classes for the completion of the project. This made me realize that what we do can make some difference and thus showing the importance of making a good project.




Subject: DSG 1002

Class: 1AC

Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente Barros




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