Projetos em Design

Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

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Creative Interview



Fernanda Sampaio Carneiro


LarissaRezende Heringer



Social Group:

Professora Maria Lucia Braga

CIEP Presidente Agostinho Neto

Praça da Bandeira, 141, aprt 601

CEP:201   Tel.: 88970270



This project developed in a school called CIEP Presidente Agostinho Neto. We had valuable support of Prof. Maria Lucia, teacher in this school for thirteen years.

We have followed the students of the group 1102 during a suitable period.  In one of these classes Maria Lucia invited the pupils to seat around her in a circle and then asked them to speak about t the city of Rio de Janeiro and through the window called the attention for the beauties of the nature. The following day she questioned them about the theme of the eve and propose some exercises linked to this theme.

Then we collect all the words that we hear along the classes and with them Maria Lucia created a phrase. This Phrase represented her purpose in class.  

“When the family cares, they stimulate the creation of their kids”

Than we have proposed twenty objects to experiment with the pupils. Three of them became our main idea, the heart, theatre and a visiting book. The children received special pencils and writing book with dolls; at home with their family so they could develop the idea of the main phrase.  

Larissa- To make a project is to develop our own ideas based in simple observations. Is to make new experiments with new material, is to think new inventions.

Fernanda- To make a project is to learn to develop new ideas, to overcome difficulties, for archiving a goal.  I learn to observe and to create new concepts and to deal with new materials. Now I know the importance of planning to materialize our ideas. 


Larissa- I thank Maria Lucia for the enthusiasm and happiness to see our project realizes. I thank Fernanda for her devotion in making of this work.

Fernanda- Many thanks to Maria Lucia for her bright ideas and orientation. Thanks to Larissa for her diligent engagement.   



Subject: DSG 1002

Class: 1AC

Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente Barros




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