Accepting and
Discovering Differences, Seeding Life
Eric Emanuel de Araujo Oliveira
Renan Kogut
Social Group:
Leonice da Silva Costa
Escola Municipal Júlio de Castilhos
Praça Santos Dumont, 96
Gávea, Rio de Janeiro
CEP: 22470 – 060
Our project was conducted at the
Municipal School Julio de Castillos, located at Praça Santos Dumont, 96, with the teacher Leonice da Silva Costa, who
teaches Portuguese, Mathematics and Science, for a class of 3rd year of
elementary school. We observe different activities with the class, as a
math class. The students did exercises and drafting posters for an
exhibition. They showed what they learned about medicinal plants. From
the set of words that makes Cissa´s vocabulary
universe, we recognize as project´s theme: "Everybody listening very
carefully, accepting and discovering the differences", which can be
related to the game of bingo where students needed to hear and pay
attention. Then, it was defined as our goal that we were going to built
cases that store seeds, backed up by a belt. On one side there is a
magnified image of the type of seed that is inside. The other side was
made with micro-tule, a transparent
fabric. Around the case there is a plastic strip that creates a handle
at the top, allowing it to support on the belt. The labels are sewn
inside the cases. We used labels in the font Century Gothic, changed the
letter "a" and "o", which they now have a drawing of a
sunflower seed inside instead of the traditional openings. The belt is
composed of two layers of polypropylene tape, wich
we made holes for the handles support, preventing all cases to accumulate in
one spot. Cissa put the belt and walked slowly
around the room so that all students could see and touch the kit. She
opened the cases and gave the children some seeds, so that they could see and
feel in their own hands the differences between each one.
Renan Kogut
This experience I had in Project 2 was indescribable. At first, I got
suspicious, thinking that a classroom in a tent would never
work. Fortunately, I was wrong, very wrong. The sensation I had in class
is to be in a different and relaxing stay, always in touch with nature and the
city. Of all lessons I learned, the most important was to always thanks;
to see that people will always be helping you, even if you do not realize,
and it is for these people we should thank and notice, because it is they who
help us build our future. Then, for helping me to see this process so
essential to the design and life, my deepest thanks to my teachers Ana Branco and Gabriela Gusmão. I thanks Eric for always being by my side. It was the
mutual support that we always did this project evolves. So I learned
that the friend is here to help, its purpose is to always add, never
subtract. I thank Leonice for always welcoming
us with a smile, to understand and participate in the process of the project,
by opening a few minutes late and look what we have to show her; by giving suggestions and
tips for the experiments and variations. I learned that the role of the
customer to design is always active.
Eric Emanuel de Araujo Oliveira
Participate in Project: Planning with the teachers Ana Branco
and Gabriela was an experience that if I could summarize in one word it would
be: enriching. At the beginning of this period, Ana asked us why we
chose this discipline, and I remember that I
answered that I would like to this project to flow naturally, and thereby
broaden my view of what is to plan, and especially, what is design. I
believe that these goals were achieved. I am very grateful to my friend Renan
Kogut for his company in all of this work, both in
moments of success and of work. His partner showed me the importance of
knowing there is someone on our side with the same goal as us, and developed
in me the ability to rely on to achieve the best possible results. Thank
you very much my friend and intercessor Cissa, who
showed great patience and interest possible to us. Her dedication showed
me the importance of a good reception for a good relationship. Furthermore,
she always encouraged us to do our best.
Intercessor Evaluation
It was a very nice project that will collaborate on my educational
activities. I see this project as a way to show other courses new forms
of knowledge; from the public school education we can improve and
innovate. The experiences that Eric and Rena brought were very
productive. Children showed far greater interest when they had contact
when they could see and feel better the textures. This has enriched the
classroom, the knowledge they have about the area and facilitated the
understanding and learning. The final product was very interesting, it was actually the result of several steps
that we went through. The creation of the object helped the class and
strengthened the understanding. The students loved it! The belt had
its usefulness by the fact that students may be experiencing the textures,
feeling the seeds and I have all around me at the same time, situation that
before could never occur. As a final word, I hope that this exchange can
always happen!
DSG 1002
Ana Branco e Gabriela Gusmão

