Projetos em Design

Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

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Circle of friendship




Camila de Souza Ferreira


Vladimir Ventura Teclo de Jesus             


Grupo Social:

Profª Sheila Sueli Loureiro da Silva

EDI Reinaldo José da Aragão Barbosa


The circle of friendship, project name, was conducted with the cooperation of all employees in the Preschool Reinaldo José Barbosa of Aragon, in the neighborhood Bangu, Rio de Janeiro city, in the main teacher and educator Sheila Sueli da Silva Loureiro. This was the intercessor who gave his name and paths for the project to be realized. Observing the activities carried out by her at school said we could verify the whole process of his daily work. In the morning, gets her group formed by children aged between 4 and 5 years, then proceed to the cafeteria to have breakfast. Logo in the classroom makes chamadinha Sheila, this exercise is that in the visual presentation through a pink or green card, the names of each of its students so they can recognize their names. For this, the teacher asked everyone to collaborate with the removal of tables and chairs arranged in the room, where he would gather them in a circle, sitting on the ground for the activity. Thus, the children dragged the furniture making a huge fuss. After chamadinha, in general, Sheila had a story to eles.Percebemos that this activity was to exercise all day. Now Sheila told stories of children's books, now distributed toys or put a CD or DVD player to see and hear more stories. Regardless of any activity, students kept themselves busy and somewhat scattered.
From the set of words that makes up the universe of vocabulary Sheila, we recognize as the theme for the project: "Let's tell a story sexy, color the day off right." This phrase was chosen by the intercessor, and others formed with his words on your desktop, because there was related to the fact of storytelling, this activity, which she said, cheered on children leaving the colorful and happy.
Without thinking, we did some foolish things with the abundance that we believe to be junk. These, turned into baits that allowed Sheila to guide us in the way our party adopted. The only bait he used to work with children were the remains of pieces of cloth, which we joined by Sheila believed to be a rope that helped her in welcoming them to the formation of the circle, during the week was to tell stories. Have the children noticed the rope as a toy. Held up, jumped on it and all together, pulling it from one side to another singing songs stemmed from stories they heard Sheila count.
After watching for a semester, Sheila and the gang began producing the circle of friendship. Throughout the period, to take baits, and Vladimir I, we managed to catch the details given by Sheila. We would do a product to meet the children, mobile, soft texture not to hurt them and it was the stories of the books from which our intercessor withdrew their stories. Remember also that children sat on the floor and it was not very comfortable. Through research, we ENERGY fabric, a green snake of 7 meters with several more openings 28 microfiber cloth pads. We chose this material because its variety of colors was great because that's convenient to wash and soft texture. The pillows were characters and elements of these stories and were stored inside the snake, hence the more holes in it. Sheila used it to unite children in a circle, like seat cushions and characters in stories, to teach one hour, it was a clock and a calendar, to identify the dates. Children also used the cushions as pillows at bedtime






Subject: DSG 1002

Class: 1AC

Professores: Ana Branco e Gabriela Gusmão






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