Projetos em Design

Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

voltar para página principal

voltar para página principal


Preparing an impromptu respect




Maria Clara Iorio

Victor de Justa




Social Group:


Profª Célia de Almeida

Escola Municipa Georg Pfisterer

Praça Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora, s/Nº

Leblon - Rio de Janeiro

CEP: 22441 - 050

Tel.: 2274-4497




    The project Preparing a Respectful Improvise was developed during the second semester of 2010 at the Georg Pfisterer Municipal High School, with the Fine Arts teacher Célia de Almeida.

    The work of the colaborator Célia was to try to estimulate her sixth and seventh grade students to grow interest in the universe of drama, proposing activities which are related to the essence of

theater and, especially, to the improvisation of scenes with script.

   Taking as a first step the group of words that composes Celia’s vocabulary universe, we defined as a theme for the project one of her sentences used in class: “Attention! Prepared, gone!

   Let’s hear the sound and the music of this scene, which is a respectful improvise”.

   Through the experimentation of the first ideas ― being the scene improvise the most used activity by Celia and a great creative difficulty for students of 12 and 15 years ―, the project took as its main goal to propose a fun way to take part at a drama using some codes that are very close to the reality of the young students.

   The final product is a game that proposes high level of interaction, actracting the attention of the students. It also suggests relations of some subjective characteristics to objective proposals as a way to create a scene. And finally, it allows the raffle off a Parameter-Category to stimulate the improvisation.        This game is made of MDF covered with wood veneer and it has some spinning rectangles made of the same material covered at one side by a texture and at the other by a galvanized surface in which are magnetized some pieces of imam with the Parameter-Categoriry words.

   The teacher uses the product by raffling off the magnets and attaching them randomly to the texturized rectangles. Next, she organizes another lottery among the students to select the

Characters, Places, Objectives, Adjectives, Cues, Genders and Functions that will help the scene composition.


MARIA CLARA – I thank for the opportunity of geting to know, though his work, the freedom

of seeing life from a different angle. It aroused in me a feeling of courage that was asleep.


VICTOR – I thank the project as a whole, which open up my mind for new possibilities. It

evoked in me a feeling of refreshing of ideas which is totally new.



Subject: DSG 1002

Class: 1AC

Professores: Ana Branco e Gabriela Gusmão











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