Building life with colors, shapes and help the alphabet
Mayra Terra
Manoela Medeiros
Social Group:
Prof Adriana Teixeira
Municipal Luiz Delfino
Marquês de São. Vicente, 238
Gávea -
Rio de Janeiro
Zip Code:
conducted the project at the School Luiz Delfino, the tops with the
intercessory Adriana, who teaches in a classroom literacy. She did
activities with students writing, drawing, reading, cutting and pasting.
After we collected the words that compose the vocabulary of Adriana universe,
created the goal phrase: "Let us with care, patience and help of tiny
letters learn to color life."
In the experiments we created we use the concept of adding fun and didactic
that it utilizes with the class, and the two most pleased that the class was
a gallows and the roulette alphabet, just adopted our party should unite
these two objects.
But before we start making the product, we decided to modify the idea of
force, which "destroys" life, and decided to work with the construction of
life and body. Ultimately organic and soft, including the two concepts.
Our product was padded with two sides and circular shape. In front is
covered with carpet, so it could be affixed with Velcro mobile roulette,
words and drawings that are part of the game. Of its sides, leaving the
inner arms, legs and head, where gloves are placed about the animal that
will be represented. She was very pleased with the outcome of the project,
and uses both hung in the frame, but also in her lap.
This project made me grow not only through the trials, but also as person.
Live together with children made me break countless preconceptions. Anyway,
I saw that all those paradigms that we used to listen for the public
institution are distorted. Beyond this, in relation to the project in the
classroom, I learned a lot with the teachers and Ana Gabriela. I can say
that the best of concept I gained in this process we always think the
simplicity of things, because that is where lies the beauty and difference
of all.
Thank to Adriana for being so thoughtful and sincere throughout the project.
This showed me that the product is not only done by the duo, but by all who
were involved in the project.
Grow, evolve, creativity, simplicity. Based on these words I can say that
the completion of my project contributes much to my personal training. I
noticed that one of the best things to do a project with this methodology is
that it requires us to be less vain. This allowed me to deliver the
completion of a project to completely close, which is essential. In the end,
you realize how good it is doing a project which I know will actually be
tapped. Makes a darn good!
Thanks to Adriana for every day have taught me something new. This created
in me a feeling of joy with each new learning.
Subject: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente

