Templates that structure the focus, color and whimsy Luiza Senra Bione
Social Group: Profª Flaise MirandaEscola Municipal Abílio Borges Rua Humaíta, número 19 Humaíta - RJ CEP: 22261-000 E-mail: flaise@oi.com.br
My project - planning was held at the Municipal School Abilio Joaquim Borges, which is located in the neighborhood of Humaita in Rio de Janeiro. The lessons that have become part of my daily life were the art classes that are taught by professor Flaíse Miranda, which is formed by the faculty of art UFRJ. Classes are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, between one and six o'clock in the afternoon. The classroom teacher's Flaíse flees a little of what is expected of a conventional art class, because the first thing she does when entering the room is on the blackboard writing a text on the subject that will teach. According to the intercessor, she wants students to have greater knowledge about the history of art and that they develop more creativity from such knowledge. It's after the explanation of the content and all students write the material in the notebook, which Flaíse begins distributing the sheets to the students. I noticed that she always asks students to make a margin on the sheet before you begin drawing, which shows how she cares about neatness and organization of work. Also noticed that intercessory always motivates her students to develop creativity, always using words of encouragement such as, "Yes, my Chayote"; "Congratulations!" "Keep it up!" "I think you can be more creative. "" I most desire. "and others. An activity that exemplifies his work, was the day she presented to the students the content - abstract design. First, she wrote in the context of what it was and then asked students to create a drawing from such content. And after collecting all the designs, she hung under the famous painting - MONDRIAN, and made a connection with the content and design. And so he managed to introduce a work of art that is widely known in the reality of these children. And it was from the set of words that makes up the universe of the lexical Flaíse teacher, I recognized as the theme for the project: "The visual expression of the imagination is the structure of art coupled with attention to color and whimsy.". An example for the phrase is chosen when the teacher asks his students to make the margin on the sheet before drawing, which suggests the word "structure" and "freak" and when she asks students to use your imagination. And from the concept defined goal with the phrase, the first experiments were made as the principal intended to draw students' attention by using lots of color and a fun and whimsical. So the party adotato was defined as the first four objects of activity "hot and cold", which were the margin structure, which is a frame that can hold the frame and remembers that the margin that the teacher always asks the students to do the giant ruler, the banners, which helped the teacher to explain the shapes (geometric, abstract and figurative) and finally "the tubules of flexible plastic, which also helped Flaíse to explain the types of lines (straight, curved, broken and others). The final object was the union of these four objects, but before setting the final shape of the product, I studied on how to best use and enjoyment of the teacher. First, I tried to join Rule the giant structure of the margin of a compact form, which facilitates the transport of the object. Then I looked at how the teacher would like to work with geometric shapes, and I developed four cases, which resemble a crab tissue, which are arranged all geometric shapes that have variation in size and texture, and can be distributed among students and used by the teacher. Finally I continued to work with the "flexible plastic tubules, which were very helpful to the teacher explain the content in a way more fun. The materials used to manufacture the final product were MDF wood, plastic PS, little tubes of plastic, wire, Lich of various weights and cotton fabrics. The final product is being used exactly as designed. The teacher divided the class Flaíse twenty students in groups of five and distributes the four cases. Then explained in the table, with the help of structure-margin, the task of the day and then asked students to execute the task, which was to create a composition with figurative forms from geometric shapes, but both used in this lab outline of feedbacks and textures present in parts of the kits.
Subject: DSG 1002 Class: 1AC Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente |