Equipe Anderson Diniz anderson_diniz_4_8@hotmail.com
Priscila Costa priscilacostapc@gmail.com
Grupo Social Joana D`Arc
Escola Municipal Desembargador Oscar Tenório
Rua Prof Manuel Ferreira, 141 Gávea-Rio de Janeiro CEP: 22451-030 Tel: 2274-6226 Our Project was developed in Escola Municipal Desembargador
Oscar Tenório, with the teacher Joana D’Arc Varejão. This one gives
classroom for the third series and is a teacher of mathematics, sciences and
Portuguese. During the visited classrooms we realize that the Joana it was
focusing very much in the mathematics, debt the difficulties presented by his
pupils in learning such a matter. The intercessory one usually does exercises
of different mathematical operations, in the blackboard, always with much
good mood, inviting the pupils to participate of the activities. From the set
of words that composes the verbal universe of Joana, we recognize like
subject for the project: “My loves! We want children playing of doing
multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. ” Certain time she used a
picture of squares to carry out multiplications, where the pupils were
coloring and demarcating the corresponding area to the result. In function of
the experimentations of our first ideas, we end that our product should be
something that could work mathematical operations, to be hung and was
presenting several means of use, using numbers and geometrical figures to
carry out the mathematical operations. Final product is a panel of plastic
canvas, with hundred and twenty one pockets of plastic and small
"rings" diagonally what allow to pass a
rope to demarcate the areas. Also there were done numbers, scamp and letters
of the classes of the numbers, all acts of felt. He can be used to work
relative value, absolute value and the abstraction of the children. Besides,
it can serve like abacus and like the form of representing the mathematical
problems. Subject: DSG 1002 Class: 1AC Teachers: Ana Branco e Gabriela Gusmão |