Projetos em Design

Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

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The Surprise of the Draw with the Sound and Light of Colors



Rodrigo B. S. Teich


Peter de Albuquerque


Social Group 

Sandra Peixoto

Municipal School Capistrano de Abreu

Rua Pacheco Leao, 984 – Jardim Botanico - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

CEP: 22460-030

Tel.: 2294-6498


Throughout the first semester of 2010 we developed the Basic Project 2 - Planning, in partnership with Professor Sandra Peixoto, at the Municipal School Capistrano de Abreu, which is part of the 2nd CRE.

            Sandra gives “Reading Classes” for her students. These meetings happen once a week, so in order to attend more than one class during the week, we attended other classes with older children. The age range of students of the institution varies from 6 to 11 years-old.

            Over the period, we performed all the tasks requested by our teachers and advisors during this project, Ana Branco and Ana Gabriela Gusmão, from gathering all the words involving her classes to the production of experiments, variations of possibilities, etc.. From the set of words gathered by us during Sandra Peixoto’s classes, we reached  the following theme for the project "The Light of Surprise Painting Hope With Care", and the title "The Surprise of the Draw with the Sound and Light of Colors."

            The final product consisted of three large hollow metal ink containers, painted with black oil paint, and closed with  black burrows at their bases and tops. These containers are able to receive the colorful, geometric magnetized pieces that we developed (circles, squares, rectangles and triangles with pre defined colors and sizes) and can be stored in a pocket-shaped strip of felt, which embraces one of the cans and can be withdrawn when necessary through the use of Velcro in their extremities. In one of the cans it’s possible to shake four rattles containing four different noise-making objects. Seeds, pieces of metal and small bells inside the rattles produce abstract sounds when moving the four black rods that are exposed through the four sewn holes on one of the burrows

            The neutrality of the final product was intended, in order to suggest the least possible use of any kind to students. The sounds and forms, equally abstract, are also designed to have little specification and clarity, so the students are able to detach from previous rules and start playing and creating as they please. The sound was included to intensify this experience, adding another meaning to the activity. The rattles are placed inside the metal can because children are too young to manage the sounds themselves, so it is better to be overseen by the teacher, what would be very difficult with three cans containing the rattles.

            Several factors in the prototype fit the circumstances of the lessons given. After reading the stories, Sandra always creates activities that involve geometric forms, through folding, cutting, collages and drawings. We believe that having a didactic identity, the magnetized parts help children to understand better the difference between the shapes and angles, which can collaborate with their performance. The measure of the sides of the can also resembles the dimensions of an A4 sheet, commonly used in Sandra’s reading classes, which can also strengthen the student’s concept of how to create compositions in this dimension.

            We always try to give all the possible freedom for the intercessor, so we believe that what was developed reflects our perception of the environment that derives from Sandra's choices and best suits to her work. Upon seeing the prototype being used with such enthusiasm by the students, we assumed we had really dived into their universe.

Intercessor’s Evaluation

                It was different and at the beginning, I confess, a little awkward. I was not used to having people watching and evaluating my classes. Gradually, we were getting to know each other and I could understand the intention of the project.

I was surprised by two talented young men, without prejudices, humble (...) what allowed a unique treatment with the students.

In this experience I am not ashamed to say I was the biggest beneficiated in the exchange teacher / intern. Regarding children, boys were the pioneers to leave a wonderful legacy that is sure to be enjoyed by everyone, stimulating creativity, oral language and motor coordination. It is undeniable the usefulness of the project to school!

                Moreover, I have noted that the development time for designing the final idea, the presentation and direction of the project further compounded and expanded my concept of teaching. Sometimes we get used to certain daily situations and we are driven by routine. Sure, I feel renewed and inspired to improve my lessons, thanks to Peter and Rodrigo.

Not to extend and become repetitive, here I leave my best wishes for success and great achievements the boys, congratulating them not only the result of the project, but also for the efforts they have devoted themselves. Aroused admiration!

I thank the University, the teacher-advisor, to Peter and Rodrigo, the latter have a fan in me.

Disciplina: DSG 1002

Turma: 1AC

Professores: Ana Branco e Gabriela Gusmão






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