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Puppets who tell the news and stay close


Rafaela Duboc


Gabriela Monteiro



Social Goup:

Luciana Antunes

Escola Municipal Santo Tom�s de Aquino

Pra�a Almirante Julio Noronha, 40 - Leme - Rio de Janeiro

CEP: 22.010.020

Tel.: 2275 - 1598


The process begins at the Municipal School St. Thomas Aquinas located in Pra�a Almirante J�lio de Noronha, 40, in the district of Leme. We talked with teacher Luciana Antunes. She is a teacher in Early Childhood Education and teaches children from 4 to 5 years in pre-school 2. She begins the class with a circle on the floor where each student can tell stories, sing, tell a fact, which is important to express themselves in order to exercise the vocabulary. Then she goes to the activities in which the students can begin to become familiar with letters and numbers.
From the set of words that makes up the universe of vocabulary of Luciana we recognized as the theme for the project: "Let's hear about colorful news and schools and stay close"
One of the activities that relate to the phrase is the first of the day, where children sit on the floor in a circle to tell, sing and talk about the news they have.
It was defined as the party adopted the exposure of materials and construction of personal identity of students. And we defined that the ultimate objective would be four dolls in different colors sewed in quilting for the body and velvet for the hair. The size was close to that of a child of 5 years. The dolls are being used for personal identification work. The dolls serve as an example for children perceive themselves physically.



I learned that the project is to try to make concrete your perception and academic and personal learning. To realize that what you know is never enough, the other one is always richer source to be queried. Project is the cultivation of collective knowledge that joins and emerges as a product.

Thanks to Gabriela for being present in every moment of the process which we live. This created in me a sense of how the pair is important for realizing the project, because it enriches us working together and supports us in difficult times.

Thanks to Luciana that received us all this time always open to new experiences and always openly considering the necessary issues. It showed me the importance of being open, but also to consider what we think so necessary to achieve a common goal to everyone.



This period for me was of overcoming and learning, the fact that I�m from the habilitation in fashion made this project richer. Definitely, this project is essential for the enrichment of my professional life.

Thanks to Rafaelafor always being by my side, willing to contribute to the evolution of the project, Always very keen on sewing, even if it�s not the most pleasant thing for her and for giving herself to the diagraming of the report, since I�m not intimate of the text diagraming programs in general. With her, I learned the true meaning of the word partnership.

Thanks to Luciana that always supported us in this process of learning, receiving and pondering our ideas. That showed me how important it is to receive support from all involved.


Intercessor�s Evaluation and Conclusion

I thought interesting, because it is different areas that come together to undertake a project that seeks to improve the dynamics in the classroom, give some kind of support. It is surprising, because often the material tested does not respond the way we expected, and sometimes the children surprised us with their attitudes, with unusual enthusiasm. I believe that working with different groups bring different experiences and experiments, because they are distinct identities.


Discipline: DSG 1002

Class: 1AD

Teachers: Ana Branco e Gabriela Gusm�o




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