Game balance to make friends in physical education
Bruna Leon
Social Group:
Ricardo Cardoso Reis
Ciep Agostinho Neto
Endereço: Botafogo rua visconde da silva
We did our
project in the CIEP Humaitá Agostinho
Neto, with the physical education teacher Ricardo
Reis. At school he teaches physical
education classes 1 to 4th grade, your job is to make students interact, and
learn the values of teamwork. One of the activities that our
partner has done and that we followed was the play of the visually impaired,
an activity in which all children formed pairs, and one of them was
blindfolded, and another child had to guide her by the court, just giving the instructions the
way, was very interesting because the children had to rely on their doubles. From there we could see this
game the type of work that our partner does to students, which is to
encourage teamwork.
From the set of words in the vocabulary universe of Ricardo Reis recognize as
the theme for the project: "play is to join the winner is who has
Some of the activities we saw our partner makes, and we believe they are
directly linked to the choice of phrase was the joke of the current. Play the "current",
was an activity in which all children were at the end of the court, and a
child was in the middle, all children had to run to the other side of the
court, and the student who was in the middle should take other children to help him stay
in the middle.
From the lessons we have seen from our partner, we set as a goal, to get
children to work as a team, helping each other, not thinking about the
individual, but in the group.So we started to focus
on experiments that do not involve competition, but unite the students.
Our final product was done was done with two PVC pipes wrapped in a
rubberized blue screen, holes in the pipes put a black rubber tip to hold the
screen. In a yellow
denim fabric Sew a blue screen in the middle, and they were stuck in the
pipes. The game is as follows, two
children hold the cables of PVC and put the ball in the tissue, balancing they
need to pass the ball to the other pair, and so on until all go.
Bruna Leon: Thank you Manuela for being a true
partner in this project, have always done this, and
ready to help.
I thank Ricardo for having always been so welcoming to us, always guiding and
leading us to seek improvements to its class.
Manoela Dantas: Thanks to
this project by fellowship Bruna which generated in
me the feeling of not being alone and have enriched the project with their
I thank Professor Richard for their hospitality and their intense
participation in the project, their interest and support was essential for
the realization of this project, it made me appreciate more the project.
Conclusion intercessor: I thank the opportunity to have experienced new
experiences in physical education, with new materials and pioneering in this
area. Which
provided new challenges, with solutions group, having a democratic and useful
lessons.Featuring new designs and dynamic. Congratulations to Bruna and Manoela creativity
and patience with children. Warm hug, professor Ricardo Reis
Discipline: DSG 1002
Class: 1 AC
Teacher: Ana Branco e Gabriela Gusmão

