Panel to expose the colors and
the kindness
Carolina Martins
Carolina.martins07 @ gmail.com
José Eduardo Tepedino
Social group:
Jacqueline Martin,
School District President Agostinho Neto.
Rua Visc Silva - Botafogo, Humaita, Rio de
CEP: 22271-090
Our project site was in the school hall
President Agostinho Neto,
located in Humaitá. Our partner
was the art teacher Jacqueline Martin, who works with groups of 3 to 5 years,
with students from 8 to 11 years. Activities are planned in advance from a
project set by the secretary of education about Brazilian music. The
teacher is responsible for the plastic part at school, and works throughout
the year different themes within our music. The
teacher works in a very dynamic, always seeking to explore different
materials to infect activities, bringing objects to illustrate the situations
to be worked. And so does your room a major exhibition. From
the universe of words in the vocabulary of Jacqueline, we recognize as the
theme for the project: "My love, let's listen to the colors of the
forest with eyes mouth and head. Recycle kindness, to paint a beautiful world. " Generate
sensory experiments, natural, involving more use of more than one person, so
join different materials. We also made props for the contemplation and
exhibition of the children. After this phase we generate a hot-cold with the abject
and 20 with the help of our teachers realize that, among the warmest, our
intercessor put objects of contemplation, which stressed that our intercessor
wanted to explore or explain. And so, we should make brackets to emphasize what is
taught in the classroom.
We generated media, in which Jacqueline exposed,
explored and commented on each. However, Jacqueline has shown a great interest in an
interactive exhibition. From this study we have a structure that is removable
for easy mobility and dynamic. With our research and assistance for teachers and the
business bamboo Bambutec we came to a bamboo
structure height of 1.60m, which is an elastic band inside and folds into
itself. Jaqueline on their faces can use both the jute to hold loose
papers, as the plastic holders where the notebooks of the students fit and
thus exposing their arts, exploring internal and external product which they
call bamboo culture.
For José, the Project is synonymous with design,
planning and there is no organization. This
was certainly one of my biggest lessons learned during this period. And
after much frustration I've learned to judge what should be prioritized and
what to leave out. However, this lesson was the result of a lot of
charges and deadlines to be met. Thanks Carolina rhythm. I
learned that I organize myself each day. Thanks
to Jacqueline for making us see the world
differently. I learned to listen to the world with eyes mouth and
To Carolina: Doing a project that period meant a
lot to learn from others and a lot about myself. I
listened intently to all those who have volunteered to help us, and kept all
the knowledge obtained to carry the baggage of experience. I
recognized my limits when I saw them and tried not to pass this line that
divides the good work and chaos, a couple who had witnessed all the changes
in mood and learned to act in several difficulties. The
problems and disagreements, ultimately, were absorbed and learned more from
them than we could imagine, sometimes we have the chance in pushing forward,
but I believe it was the result of a great work of a great team. Finally,
learn the project is to realize how capable we are faced with obstacles and
we always need the other, who make up the complete
and final work. I thank José for his attitude towards the problems,
I realized that I need to improve my own position in relation to setbacks. Thanks
to Jacqueline for their dedication, this motivated me throughout the project
and made me see how important it is to be happy with what you do.
Discipline: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC
Teacher: Ana Maria Nogueira da Silva Branco

