Live Panel to play with the math and the question Ana Carolina Cabral Nathália Boccaletti Social Group: Profª Shirley Ribeiro Escola Municipal Júlia Cortines Rua Lopes Trovão, 2, Icaraí, Niterói CEP: 21378-006 shirley.ribeiro@globo.com We carry out our project
with a teacher called Shirley Ribeiro, at the Júlia Cortines Municipal School
in Niterói. Our intercessor is the holder teacher
of a class of fifth grade of elementary school. However, we follow mainly
their math classes, where we saw greater involvement of the class. One
activity that caught our attention was a raffle of the multiplication tables,
realized in one of our meetings. The teacher picks a student at a time; the student goes to the front of the class and answer some
results of the multiplication tables, which were also drawn. This activity
was an essential step to define the path we should follow. From the set of
words in Shirley’s vocabulary universe recognize as the theme for the
project: "Mathematics
is alive and can write again the question." It was remarkable the
relationship of the sentence chosen with the activities we observed in their
classrooms. Shirley has always encouraged students' creativity and once
started exercises on naming of human beings into objects, giving them life. After taking our
experiments to Shilrley, was defined as a concept
of our project the act of raffle activities and also make students work in
partnership. The final product was a
black canvas panel, were sewn into it one hundred mesh bags in order to raffle
numbers to create mathematical expressions as the naval battle system. To
differentiate the product’s dynamics, there are options like drawing
pictures. Inside each bag, have random numbers so that they can mount any
account. Our intercessor exposes the panel and draws groups of students to
sort the bags and then get together and ride their own expression and
develops. Ana Carolina: "Project is an amazing experience
that even though sometimes it is tiring to it is also unforgettable. It is, above
all, about learning and growing up. " Thanks to
Shirley for all the love, availability and willingness to participate in our
project throughout all the process, I realize that it is extremely important
to have an intercessor who is involved and value to our work. Thanks to
Natalia for the fun times we spent together, which easily outweigh the
difficult times, we did that pass very quickly, which makes me realize that
what matters is not the fact, is how we handle it. Nathália: "Everything in the design becomes learning and that's what makes
us grow. Each time, I can say I had good experiences, and it certainly will
make a difference today and tomorrow. "Thanks to Shirley by the fact
that she was a great intercessor, which made all the difference in the
project path. It made me realize how much it is gratifying to have people so
close and how much is good to know that these people believe and trust in you
and your potential. Thanks to Ana Carolina for, once again, completing an
incredible project with me, we had our moments of joy and went through
everything together. It made me learn the true meaning of teamwork Shirley: It was a wonderful job of
Nathália and Ana Carolina. I really liked and had a
very large return. It was new to me because it was a different project, a
project where I could create and take every opportunity to take everything I
could of children, especially in the area of mathematics. We work with many
expressions through objects, the experiments they were bringing, and was an amazing thing. I even was surprised to see how the
work flowed. It was very cool. Subject: DSG 1002 Class: 1AC Teachers: Ana Branco
e Gabriela Gusmão |