Yasmin Teruz Moreira yasmin_teruz@hotmail.com
Felipe de Freital
Alves Social Group: Professora Fátima de
Sousa Jardim dos Pirilampos educação Infantil, Rua João Borges nº 148-Gávea, RJ. Tel.: 22599361 We did the project at
Jardim dos Pirilampo’s school, placced in Gavea’s quarter, Rio de Janeiro,
with the teacher Fátima and her assistant Érika, where we watched their art
classes with kids between three and five years old. There, they did
activities like painting with ink, crayons, modeling clay and other stuff From the set of words that composes
the universe to Fatima’s vocabulary we recognize as subject for the project:
"Before far, later close." We can describe a few exemples of
activities watched in class related with the chosen phrase, such as: the fact
that kids draw on table far from the another, ou else when a kid wants
something that is at another kid’s hand including a loto f other exemples. As the Final Object we produced a
“Amarelinha” made of vinyl and rubber, using the technique of gluing to fix
each material. For this we used contact glue that had got great results.
Together with the “Amarelinha” we count with a compose of aprons that have
the vinyl colors and material of the “Amarelinha’s” Vinyls. Fixed at the
aprons, we found pockets made of synthetic woven fabric tissue, also with the same colors. The product made is being used in
their recreation hours in the school’s downstair hall, where the teacher
coordenates the playing and the kids go trough activities also dictated by
Fátima at every “Amarelinha’s” number. Subject: DSG 1002 Class: 1AA Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente |