Leonardo Torres
Sirotheau Leonardotorress804@hotmail.com Luisa Pedrosa luisapedrosa@hotmail.com Social Group: Teacher
Carla Martins
Escola Nova Av. Lineu de Paula Machado, 965 -
Jardim Botânico We developed
our Project in Escola Nova, in the
Neighborhood of Jardim Botanico, RJ with Carla Martins. Carla is a 4
Year Old Children Class Teacher. In this class, many activities are done,
with enphasis on the learning of letters and numbers. By the word
group that compose Carla’s vocabulary universe, we accept as our project subject:‘’Let’s play developing projects’’ We’ve tried, through many experiments,
develop a funny and didact product that could follow the class teaching
propose. We’ve developed many animals made by
fabric called tricoline filled with sintetic pen(usually used to fill
pillows), with sewn plastic pockets on each animal, so people can put letters
or numbers inside. It was extremely nice to work with the
teacher and the children and we hope our toy may be useful for them. Individual Conclusion: Leonardo: This project was like a great
challenge. I ‘ve worked so much to develop this project with Luisa and Carla.
It was not an easy process, but I can proudly say that many things we’ve
learned from it, me and Luisa with this project process. And it’s very nice
to know our project is worth. It’s extremely important for our profession. I Thank Luisa for had chosen me to
work with her through this hard hork, and it raised on me feelings of
gatitude and admiration, not only with her but all people envolved on this
project. Luisa: This Semester, I learned many
things and made many friends. I was emotionally split between RJ and Porto
Alegre, through many comings and goings, I thought I couldn’t be able to
develop a project that needs total dedication, time, researches and love to
what we produce.It was rewardful to work with Carla, Léo, Ana and Claudinha. The Choose of Escola Nova was
excellent and I Thank Léo so much for had accepted me and helped me through
the way process. I learned many things like work with
bambu, to sew, research for different materials and prices.I’ve broken my own
prejudices by going with my friend Carol, to Santa Lucia Institute. I’ve
learned to be more pacient, accept the others as they are, and appreciate
them for being different. I’ve learned to make prority to what
brings me the future.
Subject: ART1031 Class: 1AA Professores: Ana Branco e Claudia Bolshaw |