Bianca P.
Cerqueira bianca.pimentelcerqueira@gmail.com Flávia de Araújo
Brêtas flavia_araujo_bretas@yahoo.com Social Group: Personal Acqua
Center Professor
Diogo Massete
Personal Acqua Center Av. Rui Barbosa nº170 Flamengo - Rio de Janeiro CEP: 22250-902
Tel.: 3237-3120 This project was carried out in the
Personal Acqua Center, in a class of hidroginástica. Our intercessor was
Diogo Massete, who is trained in Physical Education. We solved accompany
classes of 3 rd and 5 th from 7:45 pm until 8:30 in the morning. The classes
follow a schedule established monthly and each teacher gave his class on top
of that schedule. The Diogo any class begins with a
stretching, ai will accelerating the exercises and at the end of the class
students will soothing and ends, once again with a final elongation. He uses
some objects in some classes, such as caneleiras or alteres weight. From the set of words that make up the
universe vocabular of Diogo, we recognize the theme for the project: "ANIMATION, DESCONTRAÇÃO AND COMMITTED IN SEARCH OF A HEALTHY
BODY" All activities that develops Diogo are
accompanied with music that makes the environment more relaxed and dynamic.
In the course of the class he will accelerating the exercises and using
objects or not to assist and provide a greater level of difficulty of
movements. Throughout this process the Professor is very careful and
concerned about the health of their students. The
final object is a removable circuit, made of foam fit for swimming, in the
form of a square where the teacher can attach your own objects through the
tapes of nylon which are prey with Velcro. It is used as a circuit where
pupils will swapping of positions in accordance with a time determined by the
teacher. Bianca Subject: DSG 1002 Class: 1AC Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente |