Thais Danello Damásio Leandro
Gomes Novato leandronovato_17@hotmail.com Social Group: José Anacleto Alves
brasileiro de Dança Rua Santo
Afonso 153, Tijuca, Rio de janeiro TEL: 2568-6230 The project was developed by us. Together with the intercessor Jose
Anacleto Alves, professor of the Brazilian Conservatory of Dance, that places
in the Tijuca in the address Street Santo Alfonso 153, Tijuca, Rio De
Janeiro. The Brazilian Conservatory of Dance is an institution of innumerable
types of dance, as for example: Courses of Acrobatics (fabric Lessons),
classic ballet, ballet contemporary, sapateado American, dance of street,
dance of the womb and among others. From the set of words that composes the
universe to vocabular of Jose Anacleto Alves we recognize as subject for the
project: The slightness of the fabric
involves the world, makes this smiling” An exercise that relates very with
the chosen phrase is one that, the pupil goes up all with its weight in one
fabric in which, he is light, and at the same time the pupil consequentemente
to be in high the necessary one if to enroscar in the fabric and Anacleto
professor asks for they always to make this smiling therefore passes better
airs the people who are observing the spectacle. From ours traps we were
refining our search for the end item where we take “bobagens” and images for
our intercessor. Therefore we study and we search and we decide (from the
ideas of the intercessor) to make spirals with fabrics of diverse forms,
colors, sizes and weights. After this
stage we made a great spiral of wire with protection and fabrics moored with
scale of 1:1 or more. The end item is
used of the following form: The intercessor inside made the acrobatic
movements of the spiral, where the acrobatics fabric passed on the inside of
it. . Subject: ART1031 Class: 1AA Professores: Ana Branco |