Projetos em Design

Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

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Conversa Animada: colorindo a escola com painéis de ímã


Marcela de Paula Garcia Silva


Social Group:

Leila Maria Passos Magdaleno Enacles

CIEP Lindolpho Collor

Estrada De Jacarepaguá, 5.011, Rio das Pedras - Rio de Janeiro

CEP: 22753045

Tel.: 2447-6447




The Project was realized in CIEP Lindolpho Collor, with professor Leila Maria. I went to classes about a project organized by SME, to teach adolescents that are late in school because of the dificulties they have. In those classes the teacher makes exercises talking about things that happens every day to stimulate the students, uses games, images, tours and jokes to catch the class' attention. 

                Considering the words Leila said, we chose to be the theme of the project: "You and I together, make learning easy". According to Leila, all the activities are in this phrase, that's because she believes that in all of the educational activities there is an exchange of knowledge, could be between teacher and students, students and students, or even between students and objects.

                According to the result of the experiments, it was defined that the project would be making a product that had versatility in its use, and, still, made students learn different things, catching their's attention. Thinking about this, I made an educational roulette game, with three bigger roulettes and five smaller ones, all made with poliestyrene. The material works as a white board, where you can write and erase whatever you want, possibiliting the roulettes versatility, since you can change the subject whenever you wish to and, still, teach the students cacthing their's attention.  

Making this Project was na wounderfull experience, even better when you see the results you wanted to, and sometimes better than you expected. It's learning how to organize yourself, share,  and understand people. To me, make a project, more than create and produce something is having an experience where you have to deal with all kinds of people, going into different realities and learning how to live respect the differences.

This project, particularly, was over my expectations during the final experiment. I didn't expect it to be so well accepted by the students. I was happy to see that my objects, to make something that helped a social cause, worked out. Help and make children learn is very gratefully.


Subject:  DSG 1002 - Projeto de Planejamento

Class: 1 AC

Professores: Ana Branco e Vicente





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