Mariana Chimelli
Luiza Costa
Social Group:
Carolina Campos
Rua dos Oitis,n°20 –Gávea
I design the class of BALLET in Dalal
Achcar, with the teacher Carol
This place is an academy of dance, has many lessons for several ages. A our intercessor
is professor of child ballet
Trials for the final presentation, and exercises to make the moves
From the set of words that make up the universe vocabulary of Carol recognize
as a theme for the project: "Ballet dancer: smooth motion, time and
Carol always drew attention of girls in relation to the smooth movement of
the girls, it was princesses and had q be soft.
Cloths soft and colorful
We markings on stage with soft strips of cloth and flowers cetim.
Project served for me to learn many things .I learned to sew, and I saw that
to make a good project, it must be reciprocity, and that happened in the
place that I did
Project I used to have more confidence in my ideas, and taught me to have
more commitment, and thinking with the hands .With this project I take all
Thank Ana Luiza, for having always been shown trust, which has generated
confidence in me to continue
I thank Mariana, because it was always concerned, and this has meant that I had
more desire to have a good final project.
I thank Carol, for having given us many tips, and this has caused people to
have more ideas.
I thank Carol, had goodwill where there would, which has generated confidence
in me;
Subject: ART1032
Class: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco

