Patrick, the
articulated puppet Isabel Barbosa Zampa Leite Belzinha_07@yahoo.com.br Marcela
Ripper Santos Gueiros celagueiros@hotmail.com Social Group: Gleice
M G Costa Viola União das Operárias de Jesus Praia de Botafogo, 522/524 Botafogo - Rio
de Janeiro CEP:22250-040, junto à Rua da Passagem
(Colégio Imperial) Tel.: (21)2295-0896 http://www.uniao.org.br/index.asp Our project
was developed at “União das Operárias de Jesus”, with Gleice Viola. The Institution shelters seventy
children and teenagers between 3 and 17 years old, aiming to guarantee them
personal and social development, yonder psychological and moral integrity,
offering instruction from the pre-school to the conclusion of medium school,
trough discounts at Imperial School, working at same address. Gleice
does a work of guided study with children and teenagers of União, besides
coordinating local’s general activities. The moments we followed her, we
could observe her work with students of first and second grades of
fundamental teaching, when she helped them with executing School’s homework.
Moreover, she reserves some time more to the students with bigger
difficulties in reading and writing and to make use of educative games,
dynamising apprenticeship. From the group of words that composes Gleice’s
vocabular universe, we recognized as theme for the project: “Learn is color the mind” The own activity that Gleice
plays in the “União” is related to the chosen phrase in that it develops the
learning as a whole thus adding knowledge and coloring the mind. The concept
defined as a objective for the project was to stimulate and self-evaluation
of the children, and work with science and mathematics, tied to the phrase-objective.
How object final, we developed a
puppet articulated in the size of children. This puppet, Patrick, had
separated members, made of tissue in different colors, with different fills.
Its parts were also arrested by colorful buttons and, furthermore, with
several heads to demonstrate the learning acquired. Gleice used Patrick to work:
human body, self-evaluation of students, discoveries by tact, mathematics and
motricity of children. Marcela
Gueiros: In this project, I learned to be
fundamental a place satisfactory and pleasant. I learned that when you are
motivated and with force of will, you can attain goals that seems to be
impossible until then. Another learning was about the phrase-objective, in
that I discovered how important is to pay attention on it to develop the
object. “I thank Isabel for her
dedication, patience, creativity and satisfaction when constructing our final
product Patrick, what made me feel happy for, partly, providing her this experience, proud for being her
partner, wonder for her work and, finally, ecstasy for the project we
developed. “
“I thank Gleice for participating of the project, what made me
discover União and created in me the desire of collaborate with the
Isabel Leite: During the execution of this
project, I understood the importance of successfully completing each step and
the relevance of the suggestions apparently not very normal from teachers, as
they worked. That was then I learned how important it is to liberate the mind
to imagine the unimaginable. "I thank Marcela for her companionship,
always agreeing to do the work necessary in the most unusual moments and by
our exchange of ideas at the moment of creation and construction of the
project, what sparked in me the certainty of having chosen a good companion,
which has ideas complementary to mine.” "I thank Gleice for her attention
with the project, stopping her class when necessary to attend us and for her
involvement with it, what touched me and generated in me mutual involvement
with the place and with the children." Subject: DSG1002 Class: 1AA Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente |